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Dark POV

Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck Anti, Fuck jack. Im done with this bullshit. Anti needs to go. Marks mine,and mine only. But, I can't kill anti.
Let me explain, reader, since anti and jack are counterparts, their souls are still connected, therefore if jacks soul dies, antis will too. Same way with me and mark.
Ugh its so fucking confusing

Why, you ask? Because I don't want to admit it, but... Whatever why do you people wanna know anyways?


I snap my fingers and im in the cell jack,mark,and anti are in.

"Why hello there~" I teased.

"W-why.." Mark squeaked out.

"Why? Why not?" I chuckled, sometimes I love myself.

"Your sick" jack muttered.

"Yeah, yeah I know." I laughed

Jacks POV

No, no anti don't do it!

Dark didn't know, but anti was creeping up behind him with a knife? How the  hell did he get a knife?

3rd person

Anti was getting closer to dark, dark was completely oblivious to whats going on. Since mark and jack keep looking behind him, dark snapped his head around but immediately regretted it. A knife handle came down and hit his head.

"FUCK!" Dark screamed out.
"You little...."

Dark ran up to anti, and punched him square in the stomach. This didn't hold back anti from stabbing darks arm. Dark let out another screech, as he held his bleeding arm. Mark and jack sat in the corner, watching the whole scene play out.

Anti laughed darkly(pun intended) and ran full force at the distracted darkiplier, hitting him in the head again.

"Anti stop!" Jack called.

Anti snapped his head in his direction, and his eyes,that where once glowing, died down and he came back to his senses. He dropped the knife, and looked at the now passed out dark lying on the floor. He then looked back up at mark and jack in the corner, mark looking extremly weak on the verge of passing out.

Mark then shut his eyes.

"MARK!" anti yelled, running to mark.
"Oh my god, im so sorry mark...please...oh god!" he yelled,tears streaming down his face.

"Its ok anti, howd you get the knife anyways?" Jack asked.

Anti looked at his hands and snapped his fingers, and they were in jacks home. Anti gawked at his newly found powers.

"I-i didn't know I could do that..." He looked down at the passed out mark.
"SHIT! he needs a hospital, but how will we explain this to them?" Anti said pointing to mark, who jack was laying on the couch.

"Um, just say....um that he was.... Kidnapped?" Jack questioned.

"That'll have to do."

Anti took his phone from the counter, and dialed the emergency number.


Marks POV

It was dark. Too dark. Where was I?
I suddenly heard a dark laughter, then I saw me and anti in a field, watching two kids play and run in the grass.

It fizzled out into bubbles.

When the image was clear again, I saw a little kid on the swings. He had on dirty, ripped clothes, and messy, dirty hair. I saw myself go up to him.

The vision fizzled out again

Then it focused out

I saw a dungion, with me, jack, and two other kids whos faces were covered with brown potato sacks.

I then could hear the sounds of a familiar voice, crying and begging me to wake up. anti.

I slowly opened my eyes, and im met with anti holding my hand sobbing into my chest.

"A-anti?" I groggily said.

"Mark!" He yelled, hugging me.

I was in a hospital bed, and was hooked up to multiple moniters.

"I-i was s-so scared y-y-you wouldn't w-wake up!" He cried, clinging onto me even more.

"Shhh, its ok baby. Im here. I'll never leave you." I started crying.

We just cried in each others arms for what seemed like hours. God I love this boy.

Sorryyyyyyyy oml. OK OK ik I haven't updated in like a million years. ILL START UPDATIN MORE FREQUENTLY!! I PROMISEE!!!

anyways, how are you guys liking this story so far? 

Should I continue?

Idk. I NEED HELP. guys please don't be afraid to comment!

anyways ,if you like this story, PUNCH that vote button, in the face, LIKE A BOSS and high fives all around,  I'll see all you dudes in the next chapter, BBBYYYYEEEEEEEE

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