First Meeting

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*no explanation needed*

Sherlock Holmes

You held your notepad in your one hand and a pen in the other, watching your sister talk to Lestrade. A young woman had been murdered and the reason seemed rather obvious: her ex-boyfriend hated her but she kept bugging him online to get back together with her so he did something drastic. You had already written the reason down on your pad but stayed incase they found something else.

"Wrong." Someone's voice spoke from right behind you. You jumped nearly 5 feet in the air and spun around. A man with dark hair and light eyes stood towering above you with a shorter man with light hair beside him (you all know what Sherlock and John look like, I don't need to explain).

"E-Excuse me?" You stuttered, surprised.

"That's not why she was murdered." The tall man explained with a look suggesting that should've been obvious.

"John Watson." His friend butted in, holding out his hand to start the conversation off on a better note. "And this is Sherlock Holmes." You shook his hand, plastering a kind smile on your face.

"(Y/N) Donovan." You knew these two because of your sister.

John's eyes widened, surprised. "Are you related to-"

"Sally?" You gestured behind you at Greg and Sally, both of which had just noticed you talking to them. "Yeah."

"Nice of you boys to finally get here." Lestrade walked over with your sister by his side, looking none too pleased they were here.

"Are you sure we even need them? We've already figured it out." Sally crossed her arms.

"If you mean the solution your sister has on her notepad then you are mistaken." Sherlock spoke up, pinning her with an almost icy look. "It was her jealous sister based off the chipped nail in the pool of blood." You looked down at the victim then back up at the 'freak', as your sister called him, amazed. He hadn't even examined her body yet, how did he know that?! "The emails were sent by the sister to get the guy to come back around so she could date him. When her plan failed she murdered the woman in hopes the guy would at least come to her funeral." Lestrade looked back down at the body a moment then sighed, nodding.

"You've never been wrong before." He walked over to the caution tape and slipped under it, going to go tell the police. Sherlock walked away, his work finished, and John followed after waving goodbye, which you quite happily returned.

"See what I mean?" Sally took a step closer to you. "He's a freak." Yeah, freak-ing awesome.

John Watson

"Guys, you need to calm down." You whispered, cheeks pink in embarrassment. Your brother's kids stood next to you, yelling at each other rather loudly. "Please you guys." You looked down the aisle you were standing in to see the only other person in it with you was a cute guy. He was looking at you with amusement. Your cheeks became red. "I'll tell your father!" They knew that was an empty threat so they didn't stop fighting. One of them was about to take a swing at one of the others when somebody cleared their throat.

You all turned to see the guy had walked closer with a curious expression on his face. "What's wrong?" He directed the comment to the kids as he crouched down to get eye level with them.

"She hit me!" One of them pointed at another.

"I told you I just tapped you with my shoe, and I'm sorry!" She shouted.

"She said she was sorry, shouldn't that be good enough?" He looked at the fight-starter child. They kicked their shoes at the ground.

"Yeah, I guess." They all stayed silent after that. With a smile, the guy stood back up.

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