Big Injury (Him)

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  *this time his injury is bigger, or more severe* 


You gasped and held your hand over your mouth as Sherlock and John stumbled through the door. Sherlock looked terrible, mostly because of the blood everywhere on his favorite coat and scarf, and John looked the most annoyed you'd seen him yet (which is saying something because he lives with the detective that drives everyone up the wall).

"What happened?" You helped Sherlock to sit down in a chair, not caring that the blood was going to be hard to get out of the fabric as that wasn't important right now.

"We almost caught him, John!" Your boyfriend shouted in frustration.

"I know, Sherlock, I know." John looked over at you. "Do you have any medical supplies, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, in the bathroom." John left to go retrieve them so you turned to your boyfriend. "What happened?"

"He shot me." Sherlock grunted. You didn't bother to figure out who the he was.


"It just skimmed me, I'll be fine." He moved one of his hands up to place over a bloodier spot on his arm. You assumed that was the spot the bullet grazed and tried to get him to remove his coat and scarf. It took a little while, as he was being childish (whining, insisting he could do it himself, trying to move away from you, whining some more), but eventually you got them off. Then John came back to help him (because you didn't really know what you were doing and he was the doctor here).

From there on you just sat there, helping John when he needed it and trying to keep Sherlock from complaining (which was hard). 


A loud crash made you jump out or your skin. Yes you were jumpy but that noise was as unexpected as they come. A bookshelf had been tipped over and a child stood next to it, looking guilty, and it quickly ran off. You sighed in exasperation, leaving your cousin to take care of things at the checkout.

Books were scattered everywhere and they needed to be picked up, along with the shelf. The shelf itself was incredibly heavy and you'd only had to stop one from falling over, not pick it up and set it upright. Maybe you'd ask your cousin to help you, or the parent of that little kid.

However, a grunt made your eyebrows rise and eyes switch to where you thought it came from, which was under the pile of books. You moved a couple aside to see a limb sticking out and panicked instantly.

"Are you okay?" You asked the person, shoving as many books aside as you could to help them. However the shelf was over top of the majority of their body so you only were able to free an arm.

"Get these books off me." The person's muffled voice came from under unreachable multicolor books and you winced because they sounded like they were in pain.

"There's a shelf on you, hold on, I'll get it off." Their hand grabbed a couple books under the arm and felt the shelf. They first tried to reach around the shelf and help take books off, but that didn't work, then they tried to push it off themself. "Cousin!" She appeared a couple rows down, and when her eyes landed on the problem she rushed over.

"I'll take the other side." She said as she passed. And like her words had stated she would, she went to the other side of the shelf and got her hands under it. "Ready?" You grabbed onto your side. "One, two, three lift!" You pulled as hard as you could and the shelf slowly tipped back onto the correct platform (the bottom). With one final grunt from your cousin, the shelf fell back so it was standing tall once more.

You moved over to the person, who had already started pushing books off themself, but they were doing it slowly. Then they pushed a book away from their face.

"John?!" Your worry tripled and you dropped next to him, shoving books away. Once he was uncovered you tried to help him to his feet, which was difficult to do without hurting him in some way. Your cousin sighed as you kept looking for a way to get him up, none of the methods working, and walked over to hoist him to his feet. The pain he went through was shown on his face as he gritted his teeth, but at least he was on his feet and it was over quickly.

"Oh man up John." Your cousin teased. John didn't bother to give her an annoyed expression, instead trusting you gave her a look for him (which he was correct on). You hurriedly dragged him into your room to take care of. 


"I told you jumping out of that window wasn't going to get you anywhere." You muttered, dragging your limping boyfriend along towards the hospital.

"But I needed to know how he did it!" Greg protested. "I survived the fall, therefore the suspect did too. He's not actually dead."

"Yeah, that's great." You weren't really listening. "Is it possible you could hobble faster?" The longer you were walking the more chances he had to injure himself further. And although he could hurt himself even more by moving quickly, it was worth it to at least ask. He sped up as much as he could, which wasn't much, and soon enough you arrived at the hospital.

"Now get yourself cleaned up." You pushed him towards the door. "Because of you I'm late for my shift." You really did want to stay with him, truly you did, but your boss wouldn't be happy if you were much later.

"Thanks sugar!" He called, grinning. You rolled your eyes and blew him a kiss before walking towards the bakery. 



A knock at your door made you raise an eyebrow and hurry on over to see who it was. Your mother and brother wouldn't be home for at least another hour, who could it be? Opening the door because you were too lazy to peek through the little hole, you saw it was Mycroft standing in front of you. You smiled until you noticed the long gash on his arm and your expression turned to fear.

You ushered him inside, not wanting to touch him in fear of hurting him more, and made him sit down. You were about to ask what happened when he tossed his umbrella aside in disgust. Knowing he liked that umbrella, you frowned.

"What happened?"

"That thing scratched me!" He glared at the umbrella harshly. You thought it was more than a scratch but decided not to say anything concerning that.

"I'll be right back." You left to go get some supplies and came back a minute later to see him still giving the black umbrella a very displeased look.

"After all we've been through." He muttered almost sadly. You used a cloth to wipe away the blood and see the cut, then decided to go from there. Taking some neosporin, you placed that on the bandage in your other hand to apply on the cut. Placing the bandage and setting it gently on his forearm, you pressed it down so it stayed.

"It was the umbrella's fault?" That's about as much as you gathered from his words.

"It cut me." He snatched it off the ground, no longer being careful with it, and showed you a point on the umbrella that looked rather sharp. "And that is why I'll never use it again!"

"It must've meant a lot to you." You raised both eyebrows, rather amused at how emotional he was at this point. He nodded sadly. "At least I've got cake." His eyes lit up and he dropped the rain avoider.

"Why didn't you say so?" He marched off to the kitchen and you stood there trying to figure out what drugs Mycroft took. 



The last time anything life-threatening happened, he was covered in blood. You didn't last more then 5 seconds before passing out. So now he doesn't ever approach you when severely injured or when's he looks like he just killed somebody.  

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