Goodbye & Thank You!

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And Sherlock, summoning nothing because I told him, concludes this book has come to an end. Yes, that's right, it'll be marked as completed and not updated again.

I lost inspiration a while ago, and I've been devoid of it for so long. The updates were starting to go down the drain and they became a chore, and I thought it would just be better to finish this up (on a happy note too!).

Even so, thank you all so so much for everything. Seeing this book get voted on makes my work feel valued, and the comments I adore reading. Also, seeing my book added to your lists makes me extremely happy.

Basically, you, the readers, are what made me keep writing. You are amazing, simply fantastic people that all deserve a cookie (which I sadly can't give you).

Well, that's all from me; thanks again!


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