They Ask You Out

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*how he would ask you to be his girlfriend (and lots of time has passed since you first met)*

Sherlock Holmes

"Freak's here." Sally mumbled, glancing in Sherlock and John's direction. You gave her a look but she just went back to talking to Anderson. You knew about the two of them, but you didn't bother getting involved. Your sister could ruin her life if she wanted to, that's none of your business anyway.

"Hey Sherlock, John!" You called, smiling and walking over. "So, apparently I didn't have enough details on the last case and I need to know exactly how you solved it." You may have been, maybe slightly, lying. You kinda just needed a reason to talk to him because you kinda-sorta-maybe-in a way liked Sherlock. 

Sherlock's gaze narrowed slightly but he began describing his thought process speedily. You weren't paying attention to his words, just pretending to write something down and glancing back up at him. It also gave you a reason to look at him without seeming creepy, which was a plus.

John studied you for a second, walked a little bit away to inspect something on the ground, then came to stand next to you. You didn't notice him, giving him the perfect opportunity to look at what you hadn't written. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You're not actually writing anything down, are you?" Sherlock asked in amusement, having noticed John's expression.

"Uh..." You noticed John and pulled away from him, putting the pad of paper against your chest so he couldn't look at it. "What makes you say that?"

"John." His gaze narrowed the tiniest bit. "You like me." Your jaw dropped and Sally turned to look at you.

"What did he just say?" She asked, moving closer.

You fumbled for words. "I, uh-"

Sherlock smirked. "You heard me."

"You do?" Your sister looked at you in bemusement.

"I-I didn't say-"

"In that case, would you be my girlfriend?" His words were so straightforward you literally couldn't say anything.

"If she wasn't so blinded by your hideousness she'd say no." Sally stepped in front of you to glare at Sherlock.

"Yes." You breathed, a smile appearing on your face. Your sister whipped around, surprised and angry.


"I'll date you, Sherlock." You sent him your sweetest smile although knowing him, he knew you were overjoyed based on how tightly you held your notebook and pen.

"You're kidding." Donovan sighed. You shook your head. 

"This is my love life, not yours. Besides, I don't like trash." You gestured to Anderson with your head and her jaw dropped. Fuming, she marched off, making you and John smile and Sherlock smirk at Anderson.

John Watson

"(Y/N)." You turned at the sound of your name to see John had entered the small library you worked at. Your cousin looked up from re-shelving books, but seeing it was your friend, went back to what she was doing.

"Hey, what's up?" You walked over, stopping your library scanning of the books people brought back which essentially told everyone they were back at the library for anyone to check out.

"Sherlock." He sighed, making you smile. You'd actually met John's flatmate and he deduced the life out of you. You were amazed and asked him how he knew all that as John rolled his eyes and muttered about how Sherlock was showing off.

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