Family Meeting (You)

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*he gets to meet your family (if you have any)*  


He has already met Sally, so there is no one left for him to meet. We all know what Sally thinks of Sherlock anyways. But, although not all too happily, she thinks your relationship is fine and will go to your wedding when it happens. (Oops! SPOILER! XD) 


Your older brother visited you while you were working at the library and told you of the meal your father requested you be at. He lived alone after your mother passed away and hadn't seen his kids since Christmas, so he wanted to see you all again. He had also caught wind of you having a boyfriend, and he requested the man be there too.

When you told John he said he was fine with it, and Sherlock probably wouldn't blow up the kitchen if he was gone for one meal. So when it was time to go you both took a cab to your parents house. You swallowed hard before knocking on the front door. Teasing from your older siblings was probably in order, and you were none too excited about that.

Just as your predicted, both your siblings teased you. When you finally were able to take off your shoes and sit at the table for the meal your dad made (he was actually a better cook than your mother, so it was no surprise when the food was good), your dad asked John questions.

Although your brother and sister pretended not to, they were listening to every answer your boyfriend gave to determine if he was suitable for you. No matter how 'mean' they were to you, they loved you and had always done this if you had a guy friend over (which only happened twice).

When dessert came out, you were pleased to say John had passed your father's inspection. You determined this when your dad began joking around and telling stories of you and his other two children. John seemed to know he was in the clear, as he became more friendly and less robotic-like with his responses. All in all, you'd say your family liked him and he liked your family. (But the ultimate test of how he'd react to your siblings starting a food fight had yet to be discovered, and you knew they were going to test him at one point or another.)  


You're all alone, your parents are dead and you have no siblings, there's no one for him to meet. (Poor you!) But they would've thought he was wonderful, and as long as he treated you well, they'd approve of him.  


When Mycroft visited again, it wasn't a moment in which you were home alone. Your mother and brother were there as well, so when you hopped in front of the door, opened it, and pulled him into a hug, your mother shouted to you.

"Who is it?"

"My boyfriend!" You called back, smiling with what could almost be pride. They'd heard of your man before, but had never actually met him. This would be a first.

"I wanna meet the poor man!" Your mom yelled. You shot a look back the way you came, even though she couldn't see you.

Mycroft followed you into the room where your mother was sitting on a chair, her feet up on another cushion, and knitting needles in her hands. She surveyed him silently, a sympathetic smile slowly taking over her face, as your brother walked in.

"Hey sissy!" He said, far louder than normal talking-to-someone-in-the-same-room volume. You grinned back.

"What is up my loveable brother?"

"Who's this?" His tone was borderline respectful as he looked at the man by your side. He must've noticed Mycroft was wearing a suit and must be someone of higher authority.

You gestured to Mycroft. "This is my boyfriend, Mycroft."

"I'm so sorry for my daughter." Your mom spoke up. "She can be quite a handful." You snorted.

"Yeah, that's true, but wait until you hear what my mom has been through with me and her." Your bro snickered. Mycroft looked at all of you, the sorry eyes of your mother, your brother's childlike grin, and your body facing him, waiting for a reaction.

"I'll bet." He nodded at your sibling, then stepped forward to where your mom sat. "Pleasure to meet you Mrs. (L/N)."

"He's got more manners than both of you combined." Your mom shot her children a look, to which you two smiled proudly. She returned her eyes to Mycroft. "You too dear." She smiled. She liked him, but she wondered how long it would last considering it was you he liked. However, what she doesn't know that I do, is that you'll both get mar- oh wait, that's a spoiler. Nevermind! 


While you were working at the grocery store, your parents had stopped by to buy a few things and say hello if they could. You chatted for a few minutes, and although you didn't know why, James also came to talk to you at that time. When he saw you conversing with the two adults who raised you he stopped. Before he could leave and come back at a later time, you spotted him.

Your parents saw your gaze and rose an eyebrow. "Who's he?" Your father asked.

"Oh, just, um..." You tried to find something to say, not sure if James wanted them to know. But knowing he should help you out of the situation, he walked back over and put an arm around your waist.

"I'm her boyfriend." He answered their question. Your mom's eyes narrowed as she looked him up and down, then her face broke out into a smile.

"Well isn't that lovely." She commented.

"Indeed it is, honey." Your dad smiled at you both. "Our little girl finally realized she needs a man." His wife swatted his arm.

"She doesn't need anyone. I was a strong independent woman until you came along."

"And that's when you realized you needed a macho man like me." He grinned, flexing one arm. As your mother rolled her eyes, fighting back a smile, you groaned.

"I'm so sorry." You said, sending James a regretful look. "You can leave." But instead of just walking away, he brought you with him, leaving your parents to stand there talking, not noticing your absence for a while longer.  

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