Big Injury (You)

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*now for the terrible injuries that no one wishes to gain (unless you're trying to get out of doing something)*


You cried out in pain when the knife landed right in your shoulder, thrown by a man who was currently running for his life. Sherlock had managed to drag you onto another adventure and now here you were, gushing blood from a wound by the suspect. Well, you say suspect, but it was obvious it was him now that he'd attacked.

You immediately went to pull it out but John stopped you, telling you to leave it in. You were horrified at the idea, but you obeyed his instructions. He had more experience than you, and to be honest it made some sense (you weren't exactly thinking all that logically at the time [who would?] so you didn't fully agree with the logical direction quite yet).

Sherlock had taken off after the criminal, and although he wanted to be with you, he knew it would set them back a long time if he didn't catch this man now. Besides, he trusted John.

John hurried you to the hospital, and when you finally stumbled through the front doors, your vision was fading in and out. You'd never passed out before, is this what it's like? You didn't hear John talking to someone, who even was that, before you were whisked away. Then you thought you saw all the light fading, but you weren't able to confirm that before you were out cold.

Sherlock was there when you woke up, apologizing in his own way (which consisted of scolding you, asking if you were okay, and telling you he got the man so he avenged you). You mostly just rolled your eyes and smiled, happy he wasn't 'too busy' to see you at the hospital. It wasn't too long before you were on your feet again, but Sherlock still didn't let you go with him on cases a whole month after.  


The person walking towards the checkout held a stack of books much higher than you thought possible. The sheer height was only something you'd see in a cartoon show on the telly, a person stumbling with their mound of books swaying back and forth but managing to stay in one tall mountain.

But when the person set them down, the books fell towards you.

You were hardly able to let out a shout of surprise before you were buried beneath them. The bottom 5 books stayed on the counter but the others landed right on top of you, hitting you in many places and making you fall over. The person tried to help you out but ended up stepping on a book over your arm, pinning it and causing another yelp to leave you.

"Here, I'll help her." John gently pushed the person aside and started removing the books, quickly unearthing you. "Are you alright?"

"I think so." You might need a moment to gather yourself though. John put the books back on the counter, not setting them in a bigger pile than 5 on top of each other, and stepped back. The person apologized again as you checked their items out, and once they were gone, you sighed.

"Maybe I should make a sign saying 'No stacks of over 10 books'." John nodded. He didn't want you to be buried in books, not after he'd had a similar experience happen to him.  


You winced in pain as your pinkie toe hit the corner of a wall. You quickly brought your foot up to hold and smacked yourself with your knee. You stumbled backwards, hopping on one foot with the other hand flying to your nose. However this caused you to become unbalanced and tip over, falling to the floor right on a hard ball. You cried out and rolled onto your side, your nerves sending signals to your brain telling you the pain was everywhere.

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