You Write A Fanfic

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*what happens when you write a fanfic about them and they find out?*


"I, uh, I just..." You tried to cover up the fact that you had just been writing a fanfic with him in it but nothing was coming to mind on what to say. "Sorry?"

"Sorry, for what?" He asked, seeming to be both amused and intrigued at the idea of you writing fanfiction, about him no less.

"I..." You banged your head against a wall. "I don't even know."

"Please don't hurt the wall." You turned your head to look at him; he was giving you a serious look.

"I'm sorry dearest wall!" You cried, trying to hug the spot where you hit it (keyword: trying). "Here," you kissed it, "all better." Sherlock pouted because the wall was getting more affection then him and you looked up at him with a teasing smile. "You said don't hurt the wall and I did so I had to make it right." He continued pouting. "All right, alright." You walked over and kissed him, making his pouting session end.


"Wow, that's getting a bit steamy isn't it?" John's voice made you yelp and snap your laptop shut, looking up at him with wide eyes. 

"How l-long were you s-standing there?" You demanded not very threateningly.

"Probably since you started typing." He grinned. He had been reading over your shoulder the whole time?! Your face became hot and you tried to walk out of the room, but he grabbed your hand. "That's really good, I didn't know you were so good at writing."

"Thanks." You mumbled, happy about the compliment but knowing you needed to get out of there.

"And, if you want, we could-" He glanced at your computer and you sprinted for the door, knowing exactly what he was about to suggest.

"No we aren't going to!" You fumbled for the door handle while struggling to hold your large computer at the same time.

"You don't want to?"

"Well, um...." You were writing about it, that sorta implied you wanted to. "It would be nice to, I guess." He smiled cutely.

"Sounds good to me." That night John didn't go back to 221B.


He took your laptop from you before you could stop him, and he ran off to who knows where. When you finally found him again, he had read the whole thing. It was only half written but that didn't bring your embarrassment any lower.

"Did you really have to?" You whined, practically hanging off of his arm like a child.

"Yes." He smiled like he had committed no crime (which, from the government's perspective, was true; in your eyes, however, he had done a very wrong thing).

"Why couldn't you, I don't know, just look at my search history?" You thought about your words for a second, and when a mischievous look took over your boyfriend's face you quickly shook your head and backed up. "Oh no, no no no you stay back!" You brought the laptop up like a bat, ready to hit him.

"Oh come on, there can't be anything that bad in there." He teased, walking forward.

"Well you'll never find out!" You took off running with him chasing after you, laughing. It turns out he can run faster then you (but in your defense, you were carrying a computer too so that slowed you down), and he found out you searched up 'dank memes'. From that point on your relationship was never the same (nah,  just kidding :D).


"What are you doing?" Mycroft asked, looking up from his tea at you, who was sitting on your couch with your computer in your lap.

"Just writing a fanfic." You replied carelessly.

"A 'fanfic'?" He tilted his head, lowering his tea back onto the little table at his feet.

"Short for fanfiction, a fictional story about something-or-other." You didn't look up from your computer. Your fingers seemed to have a mind of their own because as you talked they went about typing the next sentence.

"What is your fanfiction about?" You weren't sure how to answer that.

"Just, uhm, people." He raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue. 

"Anyone in particular?" It's like he already knew what was on the screen in front of you.




"Doing?" You didn't answer. "Oh come on, I won't judge."

"Judging me is not what I'm worried of." You finished your last train of thought and closed the lid. In an effort to change the subject, you asked, "How's your tea?"

He thought a moment. "You do know I know your password, right?" 


"And that I will read it at one point, yes?"


"Good." He sipped his tea before commenting, "And yes, my tea is wonderful, thank you for asking."


"What's this?" James held up a piece of paper with your handwriting all over it. Your eyes widened and you tried to take it back from him.

"Give it back!"

"I just found it." He casually handed it back to you and you stuffed it into your pocket, the beginning of a blush on your face. "Oh, and I love the ending. That's a work of art right there." He winked and you tried to hide your getting-redder-by-the-second face with your hair.

"Thanks." You mumbled, not being able to look at him.

"I love how the male in the story sounds so much like me, even shares my name." He looked up, an amused expression on his handsome face.

"Shut up!" You pouted, making him laugh and kiss your head, reassuring you he wouldn't bring it back up....more then necessary.

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