John Watson--Holiday (Imagine)

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*based off the Memorable Holidays preference but made into an imagine*

"Go on, open it." Your cousin smiled, watching you as you gently took the paper off the present she bought for you. It was no surprise that once it was open, you spotted an unpleasant sight.

"A banana peel?" You questioned. You didn't want to pick it up, not knowing how long it'd been there.

"I had to one up my apple core from last year." She huffed, rolling her eyes. She always got you things like this for Christmas, but she made sure to get you double the presents in your birthday to compensate for it.

"Thanks." By your tone she could clearly tell you weren't thankful but she didn't expect you to be. She picked the paper up, careful to keep the fruit inside as she brought it over to the garbage.

"Do you always do this?" John asked.

"Oh yes. You should've seen the fish skeleton she got me one year, simply dreadful." You made a face.

"Well I hope this is better than that." He held out a gift, and you took it gently.

"It's easy to outdo that." You said as you pulled away the paper around it. When your eyes found the beautiful picture resting in an expensive picture frame  it made you still. "Oh my..."

"Sherlock actually took that." He chuckled. "I don't know why, maybe he thought it was cute but that's so unlike him."

"I love it!" You exclaimed, making your cousin peek her head back in. The picture in your hand was a moment in time when John was telling you something and you were snuggled up against him. There was a bright smile on your face, with the photo taken at just the right angle it made you appear fabulous in every way.

"Well that's good." He smiled. It'd be bad if you didn't, I guess.

"I got you something too." You leaned over the couch you were sat on to retrieve an object almost underneath the furniture. "It's not the best thing in the world but it's something."

"You remembered?!" He cried, holding up the pad of paper and pencil. He had told you some time back that in order to remember as much as he could during cases with his flat mate he would want a small journalist writing pad. If he still needed one you weren't sure, but it appeared he might.

"You like it?"

"I was about to get one, but this one is better than any I could've found." He marveled at it, feeling the leathery brown fabric and small pattern on the front cover. "Thank you so much (Y/N)." He kissed you as your cousin rolled her eyes. 

At least they weren't being as cute as earlier that day. Honestly, it convinced her she needed to find herself a man otherwise she wouldn't be able to bear being single anymore.

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