Embarrassing Story

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*an embarrassing story or little secret of yours (if you ever get confused, the males are always in the same order)*

Little Whole M&Ms

You didn't glance in the store's direction as you passed by it, not wanting to recall the memories it brought back. Sherlock noticed this and studied your behavior. After a few seconds he knew exactly what it was.

"Wait, (Y/N)." You slowed and looked at him, wondering what he wanted. He took your hand and pulled you towards the shop. You tensed up and tried to think of something to avoid you going in. By the time you were at the door you finally got an idea.

"I'm not feeling good and I better go home. Sorry." You pulled your hand away from his and, after sending him a sympathetic look, turned to go home. He smirked and followed after you.

"Why won't you go in?" He glanced back at the doors. He knew the answer but he was curious as to what you were going to say. You just shrugged and didn't answer; he didn't take that for an answer. "Tell me the story." He really wanted to know didn't he?

"Of what happened at the store?" He nodded; you couldn't see that but assumed he did so you continued. "I accidentally tipped over all the shelves." You had been trying to reach something on the top shelf and leaned against the structure too much. It fell over and hit the next shelf, causing that one to tip over. They fell like dominos and you simply stared, panicked and embarrassed more than you'd ever been.

"I thought so."

"Then why'd you ask?" Your cheeks were red as you glanced in his direction.

"Wanted to make sure I was right." Of course. You rolled your eyes.

What's On

Your older brother came to visit you while you were at your library and so you two were conversing. It wasn't much of a conversation because he was mainly the one who talked and you listened but you did add input every now and then.

John came right as your brother brought up an embarrassing moment of yours. You tried to shush him but you couldn't do it fast enough as John overheard. Your brother, noticing the audience, started making your story more animated and exaggerated a lot.

You kept trying to insist it wasn't true when he added in a detail that wasn't part of the real life happening. Neither of them really listened to you, your bro because he was the one telling the story and John because he was really interested to see how it would play out. He had never heard of one of your ungraceful moments, so this was new.

Eventually you gave up and walked back into your room in the library, shutting the door. Loud laughter rang out and you sighed. Maybe you'd have to explain the real story to John so he didn't actually think a giant octopus shot ink all over your head.

Let's Strut Todd

"(Y/N)!" Your boss shouted to you. You looked up at him, cutting off the conversation you were having with Greg at one of the tables in the bakery. "We have a large order of doughnuts to make, come help." Your boss disappeared. You sighed and got up.

"Sorry." You shot an apologetic look to your boyfriend. Your boss peeked his head back in.

"And I will be frosting them, you are going to make the dough." He gave you a pointed look and went back into the baking quarters again. You blushed, remembering that silly memory.

"What did you do?" Greg asked, expecting a story behind the boss' words based off the words spoken and your flushed face.

"Yeah, I, um, kinda put a little too much frosting on one of them, and then the sprinkles sunk into the middle of the frosting so I couldn't see them." You didn't know how that was possible but it happened. "So I just kept adding more, and, um, then we ran out of sprinkles."

"That's not that bad." He commented.

"Well it wouldn't have been if it wasn't for the fact that the person that ordered the doughnut didn't like sprinkles. After the sprinkles touch the frosting you can't reuse them." You also got a large talking to from the boss afterwards but you didn't want to share that.

"(Y/N)!!!" Your boss shouted, angry you hadn't started helping yet.

"Coming!" You sprinted into the kitchen.  

Big Whole M&Ms

You set the stick carefully against the wall and faced your opponent with narrowed eyes. Mycroft sat in a chair watching as you and your friend played pool/billiard, amused. He had a drink in his hand and took a sip as your friend lined up her shot and hit the white ball into a striped ball. It didn't quite make it in and she pouted.

You smirked and moved to take your stick from its place, lining up and hitting the white ball. A green colored ball went down one of the holes and you cheered. Your friend sighed and folded her arms. You were ahead of her by a couple now; today was not her day.

"At least I didn't play with idiots." She huffed. You turned slowly to face her, eyes narrowing once again.

"Don't even."

"There's a story behind this?" Mycroft asked, raising his eyebrows. You both glanced at him, and because your friend was feeling mean, she started telling your tale.

"Yeah, she played with these guys and," she laughed, "I wish I had taped it." You groaned and put your face in your hands. "She nailed one of them in the privates with a ball because she hit it wrong, and she also knocked one out with the stick."

"It was an accident."

"And she thought she was supposed to get the striped balls but she was wrong, so the other guy won. She was going to jump him but they were setting up another game and she wanted to beat the guy by getting the right balls that time."

"I should've just shoved his stick up his nose."

"Then she snapped her stick in half, and broke a ball, right?"

"I could've given him a splinter, that would've been funny."

"But yeah, it was pretty interesting. I was watching the entire time and when she stormed out I had to pay for the damaged/broken supplies. By the way, you still need to pay me back."

"No I don't." You spun the stick in your hand. "It's your turn, go."

"I didn't know you played billiard so much." Mycroft tilted his head.

"Oh there's a lot of things you don't know." Your friend smirked. You smacked the stick against her butt, which made her yelp.

"Your turn."  

More Art Tea

"You liked him?!" James cried, staring at the picture of a fictional character with disgust.

"Yeah, I did." You blushed heavily. "I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger."

"But he's so..." Your boyfriend looked up at you. "How?"

You shrugged. "It's like trying to explain why you like me."

"Which I would be able to do quite easily."

You sighed. "Then why you hate Sherlock."

"I could do that-"

"Shh." You put your finger over his lips. "We don't need to talk about this anymore." He rolled his eyes and nodded. He didn't like talking about stupid fictional characters anyway.  

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