Caught Working Out

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*one of you is caught working out by the other*


You pushed yourself up then let yourself fall before straightening your arms once again. You were never that great at push-ups but you were doing them anyway. But because you weren't extremely observant Sherlock went unnoticed as he watched your attempts to get stronger. It was amusing to him, really.

"Okay, I can't do this anymore." You dropped to the ground, turning your head to the side so you didn't hurt your nose. As you lay flat on your stomach you could see Sherlock's shoes pointed at you. You gasped and sat up, looking at his blank expression with stupefaction. "How long were you standing there?"

"I don't see why physical exercise should be embarrassing to be caught doing." He rolled his eyes. "I thought the view was quite nice."

"Well, yeah, but were you planning on letting me know you were there?" You wondered if your cheeks were red.

"No." Of course he wasn't.

"Well please tell me when you're watching me next time." You got to your feet and brushed yourself off, planning on going to take a shower.

"Oh, (Y/N)?" You stopped to look at him. "Your form was incorrect." You sighed and walked out of the room. Like I said, you were bad at push-ups. 


You didn't realize John was standing there until he made himself known. "What are you doing?" He asked. You spun around too fast and ended up falling on your bum.

"J-Just, uh, jumping rope." You held up the long string with plastic casing around it, a sturdy handle on each end. You climbed to your feet and stood there awkwardly while he looked on. John noticed your nervousness and spoke up.

"Would you like me to leave?"

"Um, you could." You put each handle in a separate hand and watched as he left the room. Once he was gone you started jumping again, trying to brush off your embarrassment but failing. Preoccupied trying not to think of the event that just happened, you failed to notice John peek around the corner and watch you a little longer. You were so cute, and he was surprised you exercised. He wondered what else you did that he didn't know about. 


You groaned and dropped the weight in your hand to the floor. Ultimately, you decided starting a workout video with 20 pounds in each hand was a bad idea. They even recommended starting with a 5 pounder, but you thought you would be fine. Ha, fine. You were practically dead on the floor.

Greg had watched your last few minutes of pain and, to say the least, he was intrigued. He managed to stay quiet while you flopped to the ground, almost landing on the 20 pounders that had previously been in your hands. He stepped away from his spot in the doorway and your eyes landed on him.

"Could you bring me some water and every sweet in the house?" You didn't even care he had been watching. You were too dead to care. Greg shrugged and went to do as you said. He had no place to say whether or not you were being dramatic, as he didn't know how in shape you were. The first few workouts were always terrible, he knew from experience, but it got better.

"Actually, wait, can we go to that sweet shop near here and buy it?" You called, making him laugh.

"If you want a lean body you're going to have to watch what you eat." He handed you a glass of water.

You took a drink and pouted. "I don't want a lean body, I just want to be able to eat all I want and not get fat." 


"Are you dieting and exercising?" You asked, looking at Mycroft. He seemed surprised at your entrance, as he didn't know you came in, but just shrugged.

"That's not bad is it?" He glanced at you. You quickly shook your head.

"Of course not! I'm just impressed." You walked over to where he stood, him having already stopped the treadmill. "When can I expect to see a difference?" You placed your hand on his arm, smiling flirtatiously. He coughed and looked away, his face becoming red. Only you could make him speechless. "Would it be sometime soon?"

"I, um don't know."

"Well I better leave you to it then." You winked and moved towards the door. You paused when he didn't start the machine up again. "Unless you want a cheerleader?"

"No, I'm okay, thanks (Y/N)." He started up the running machine and began jogging.

"Alright, have fun." You winked and blew him a kiss before leaving. 


You watched James working out in admiration. You would never work out, you were just terrible at it and you found yourself eating cookies after every attempt to get fit. The two of you were not compatible. It was kinda cool to be able to watch him without him knowing, though. You were never this secretive. But sure enough, you found yourself making a noise not a few seconds later and he looked over at you.

"Hi (Y/N)." He didn't even seem bothered by you watching him.

"How do you do that?" You moved closer, not longer having a reason to stay where you were.

"Do what?"

"Work out?" You looked like a little child amazed that a caterpillar could turn into a butterfly. "How can you do it with such perseverance?" Wow, that's like the biggest word I've used in a while. He shrugged. "It's awesome!" He smiled.

"I could teach you how to do this."

"Nope, I'm okay, thanks." You turned and walked back out the door. Nope, you'd pass on physically exerting yourself and showing him how inactive you were.  

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