Ex (Bad)

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*you meet your ex; however, the two of you ended the relationship on a very much not good note (and yes I used the same ex name for all of them again)*  

Consulting Detective

"Oh crap." Your eyes widened at the person somewhere in front of you, where Sherlock hadn't pinpointed yet. "Come on let's-"

"Where?" Sherlock asked, searching the people in front of him for someone who would most likely be the one making you uneasy. He spotted them right as they spotted you and you internally groaned.

"Well if it isn't my sweet little (Y/N)." Henry purred, sidling up next to you. "How are you my sweet?"

"Fine." You didn't meet his gaze so he brought your head up using his hand.

"Are my good looks too much for you?" He winked. Sherlock cleared his throat and took in a big breath, making you smile.

"You're single and suffering a drinking problem, spending most of your time at the bar. You try to get money using your so called 'good looks', and based off the lack of love marks on your body I'd say its not working. Your mother is in bed dying but you're pretending she doesn't exist because you're a worthless-"

"Shut up!" Henry glared as hard as he could at your boyfriend but then stormed off, trying to hide how deeply that unexpected-pouring-out-of-what-was-happening-to-him affected him. There was a pause and then you hugged Sherlock.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem." He looked around and, making sure no one was watching, kissed you on the forehead.

War Veteran

You and your boyfriend were walking down the path when a guy on a skateboard came riding up. You tensed up immediately when you saw it was Henry, your ex. He knew it was you, that's why he came riding over, and jumped off his board.

"Sup (Y/N)." He greeted, a sly smirk on his lips. You shivered slightly and moved closer to John.

"Who are you?" John asked, picking up on your discomfort and standing somewhat in front of you.

"Henry." He stuck out his hand, but when John just looked at it, dropped it back down to his side.

"Please go away." You whispered. Henry looked at you, still smirking.

"What was that sweetheart? I didn't quite catch it."

"She said to leave." You knew John wanted to use different words (*cough* swear words *cough*) but in order to make your ex go away faster, he needed to be civilized. 

"What are you, her interpreter?" He snorted. When neither of you answered he scoffed and got back on his board, skating off. After another second the two of you continued walking, John checking to make sure you were alright as you went. Honestly, you weren't sure why you started dating him in the first place.

Detective Inspector

You sat on a bench with your boyfriend by your side, casually eating some fast food. You didn't eat fast food much, but now was one of those rare times when you did. Finishing your food, you put the wrapper/container back in the bag you got it in, sighing happily. Greg was still eating when someone approached you.

"Well if it isn't (Y/N)." Henry snarled, glaring harshly.

"Hi Henry." You didn't look at him.

"Still snobby ain'tcha?"

"Snobby?" Greg asked, looking between the two of you in confusion. Before you could get a word in, Henry spoke again.

"Oh yeah, she was constantly telling me what to do when we were dating. It's a good thing I broke it off or I'd still be being bossed around." Greg looked at you, not sure what Henry could be talking about. You'd never shown signs of being snobby or bossy, at least not in excess (because everybody can be snobby/bossy sometimes).

"I was not." You protested, feeling cheated. You might've told him once, and politely I might add, to wash his own plate after eating some food, so he started screaming about how bossy you were.

"Thanks for the info." Greg nodded at Henry, who nodded back and smirked at you. As he was leaving, Greg rolled his eyes. "Exes, amIright?" You busted up laughing, glad that conversation was over and your boyfriend didn't believe Henry's lies.

British Government

You lay on the grass with your boyfriend, snuggled into his side. For once he wasn't wearing a suit or any other form of fancy clothes, and you had jumped on the opportunity to enjoy a chillaxing day. He didn't protest (much) and now here you are.

Footsteps approached your current location and you slowly opened your eyes to see him standing over you. You sighed externally and groaned internally. Oh boy.

"Who are you?" Henry asked Mycroft. He didn't answer, just looked at Henry, deducing him silently.

"Well I can see why you broke up with him (Y/N)." He looked at you, a small smirk on his lips. You grinned.

"Excuse me?" Henry asked, glaring at the two of you.

"Yes, I will excuse you, now leave." Mycroft placed a kiss on your head as if to punctuate his words.

"Why are you kissing my girlfriend?" Henry asked, trying to make your boyfriend turn against you.

"Your girlfriend?" Oh boy, Henry was in for it now. "I'm fairly certain she broke up with you a year ago. And since then you've had 5 lovers, all of whom broke up with you. I don't know why they wouldn't, to be brutally honest. After all, you only have a tiny apartment you can hardly afford and don't work like you should." Henry took a step back, surprised and violated. Without another word he went stomping off. 

Once he was out of sight you grinned. "I think I just fell in love with you a little more." He blushed at your words, making you giggle and hug him tighter, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Consulting Criminal

You happily walked next to your boyfriend, hands connected and a smile on your face. Today was a great day, being both sunny and slightly windy so you didn't get too warm. Nothing could go wr- Oh no. You tried to increase your speed but it didn't work and soon enough he saw you.

"(Y/N)?" You slowed down and faced the man unhappily.

"Hi Henry." You felt awkward, and the part that made this situation the most uncomfortable had to be the fact that James was standing next to you.

"Who's this?" His gaze was almost threatening as he looked at James.

"My boyfriend."

"Wow, that's....I feel so bad for you, man." Henry gave your boyfriend a sympathetic look. "She's the worst girlfriend I've ever had so don't feel bad if you want to break up." You tried to keep your expression blank but you couldn't, and you felt your lips turn downward into a frown and you sniffled.

James sighed and dropped your hand. You turned to look at him, confused and worried and hoping he wasn't about to do what you thought he was. He stepped towards Henry and in the blink of an eye your ex was on the ground.

"Thanks for giving me a reason to punch you." James told his slumped form with a blank expression. He smoothed down his suit and straightened the cuffs then turned to you. "Come on, honey." He linked arms with you and you both continued down the path. After a second you found yourself laughing. That went surprisingly well.

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