Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

I creaked my eyes open to a bright light pouring out from my window. Ugh, I hate mornings... I walked into my bathroom and took a quick bath, then wrapped a towel around me and walked over to my closet to pick an outfit. I put on a light blue sleeveless blouse (like in the media), along with a white skirt and belt. I wore brown combat boots, put my hair in a ponytail, and made my way to the Guild Hall. As I pushed the doors open, everyone was surrounded by a pale, white-haired girl, which also looked a lot like Mira and Elfman. I've never seen her here before, maybe she's a new member? I saw her looking at my direction and she gave a sweet smile, and I couldn't help but to smile back. I walked over to the bar and Mira was happily cleaning a glass.

"Hey Mira, who's that girl over there? She looks a lot like you." I asked, and this only made Mira smile bigger and brighter

"That's me and Elfman's little sister, Lisanna! We thought she died a long time ago, but... We're all just so happy she's back!"

"Wow Mira, I'm so glad your sister's back! I'm gonna go introduce myself." I got up andwalked over to her, extending my hand with a sweet smile.

"Hi Lisanna! My name's Lucy! I heard you left for a long time, and even if I didn't know you, I'm happy you're back! A lot of people seem to care about you." She shook my hand and I leaned into her ear and whispered, "Especially Natsu~" I laughed my butt off as her face slowly turned into a tomato.

"H-He talked about me..?"

"Yeah actually, he talked about you a lot, and you seem really nice!" I said, smiling again. After that me and her became really good friends! She slowly ended up getting WAY more attention than me, and I was being ignored WAY more often, but I didn't really mind. As long as she and the Guild were happy, I was happy!

~~Time Skip, 1 week later, brought to you by pepe~~

I walked into the guild, bracing myself for any attacks that would come my way. About 2 days after Lisanna came back, people ignored me and spread rumors about me hurting Lisanna.

I always came in the guild bruised or bandaged, and I always left with bloody clothing and scratches.

"Lucy!" I looked behind me and saw Lisanna run up to me, bawling her eyes out.

"Hey Lis, what's wrong?"

"I tried to t-tell him not to, b-but he didn't listen!"

"Who didn't listen? Are you ok?"

"N-Natsu he, he's kicking you out of team Natsu, I-I tried to tell him not to b-but-"

"Hey now, Lis. It's ok. It's not like he takes me on any more missions, anyway."

"L-Lucy..." Lisanna wiped her tears and gave me a big hug. I smiled sadly and looked up when I heard Natsu's voice.

"Oi, Luce!"

"Yeah, Natsu?"

"So um... We're kicking you off Team Natsu! You're weak and slutty and all you do is hide behind your spirits! And we always have to run around and save your fat butt because if we didn't the guild's reputation would drop. You're just a replacement for Lisanna, she's so much stronger than you!" He said it like it was nothing. Like it was the honest truth, like he meant it completely.

"I understand. Why don't you go on a job with Lisanna, then?" All I did was walk up to the master's office, ignoring everyone's laughs. I opened the door and said softly, trying not to cry, 

"I want to leave Fairy Tail... Please." 

Master Makarov was shocked.

"My child, why would you want to do such a thing?"

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