Chapter 2

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Lucy's POV

"NE?! A DRAGON?!" I yelled, officially freaked out. But then I saw a stab wound on it's leg and I summoned Ophiuchus, (in this timeline she gets 13th key instead of Yukino) in her human form, and I ask her to heal the dragon. She pointed the syringe thingy at the dragon and purple liquid poured out, sealing the wound on the dragon.

"Thank you, Ophiuchus, you may leave now." I say, watching as Ophiuchus fades away quickly. I looked at the dragon, and it looked at me with pale blue eyes.

"Thank you, thank you! You are a very kind human. May I ask your name?" The dragon asked me.

"Lucy Heartfelia, and you?"

The dragon's eyes grew in shock.

"I-I'm Stella, the Celestial Dragon... And you're Layla Heartfelia's daughter, correct?" Stella asked.

"Hai. Did you know her?"

"Yes, yes! She's the Dragon Realm's queen! I finally found you, Princess Lucy!"

"W-wait, what? My mother died years ago! And I'm no Princess!"

"Ah, I see... She must have put up an illusion that looked like her death when she had to get Acnologia out of possession by a traitorous dragon, Runia, the Rune dragon. I suppose she locked up your memories as well... That Layla..."

"Wait... WHAT?! So my Mother is ALIVE?!"

"Yes, and can you stop shouting, my ears are bleeding here..."

"Can you take me to her?!"

"Hm? OH, right, right, right, right, follow me, I'll take you to her. She's in the Dragon Realm." Stella said, then a yellow and white portal appeared and Stella told me to get on her back, so I did. She then flew into the portal with me on her back, and I gasped at the wonderful sight of the 'Dragon Realm'. It was like the Celestial world, but it was always day, with the sun always shining right above us, and islands that represented each dragon slaying element. On one island, though, there was a giant white castle.

"That is where your mother is, Princess Lucy." Stella told me, noticing that I was staring at the castle.

"Please, just call me Lucy." I replied, smiling warmly.

When we arrived at the castle, I hopped off Stella and opened the large doors slowly, and in the middle of the room, I saw her.

"MOM!" I ran up to her, and she turned around and started tearing up, running towards me as well, and we hugged our tears away.

"Lucy my darling... I'm so sorry I left you... I'm so sorry for what your adopted father did to you..." Mom said.

"NANI?! Adopted father?!"

"Ah... right. Here, let me give your memories back." After Ma said that, she tapped my forehead and memories started flooding back. And then...

"WHERE'S MY BROTHER?!" I yelled.

And then I heard footsteps and turned to see my brother. I ran up to him and shouted,


"Hehe... Hey Lu..." Zeref said, smiling. (zeref isn't related to natsu in this timeline that'd just b weird)

"Lucy, dear, you wish to train to become stronger, no?" My mother said, suddenly behind us.

"Hai, I do. I wanna prove my old 'family' that I'm not weak."

"Then you shall train with the dragons, demons, angels, gods, fairies, wolfs, and with Zeref to learn all kinds of Slaying magic, as well as black and lost magic with Zeref. Then I will teach you every other magic. This will take up to 25 years, or 5 years in the human world. Don't worry, you will not age while you are here, though your appearance might change from training. As for planning for when you return to the human world, I would recommend changing what body products you use so your scent will change over time, and so no one will recognize you."

"Arigato, Mom! I'll make you proud and work the best I can!"

I WILL get stronger, Fairy Tail, and I WILL destroy and humiliate you, like you did to me.



And no, Lucy isn't going to re-join Fairy Tail after joining I-think-you-know-what-guild,

but she will forgive them. eventually. except natsu bcuz he's a jerk.

i do ship nalu but they're just rly common so nahhh this'll prob be stinglu or rolu or no-lu meaning she aint got no bae



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