Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV

I pushed open the doors to Sabertooth, and everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me.

"Who are you?!" A voice said. For some reason, it reminded me of Natsu. I turned and looked at the man.

"My name is Akanaru Kurosei. I wanna join this guild, I heard it was the strongest in Fiore." I said, a big smile plastered on my face.

"Well, ya got one thing correct little girl. We ARE the strongest in all o' Fiore. But there ain't NO way you're joining without beating me 'n Rouge. The Twin Dragon Slayers!" The man said again. He had light blonde hair, a white vest, white pants, and blue eyes, as well as a devious toothy smirk plastered on his face.

"Hm... Okay! Let's battle! I gotta warn ya, though! I'm pret-ty powerful!" I said.

"Tch. If you say so, kid. OI, ROUGE! WE GOT A CHALLENGER!" The man shouted. My ears were bleeding by now.

"Okay. Let's get this over with, I have no interest in newcomers." A man said- who I'm guessing is Rouge, with black hair, red eyes, and a sort of black robe on. I enabled my Analysis Magic, which always made me look talk like a robot, and scanned him, my eyes turning yellow  

"Rouge Cheney, son of Skiadrum, the shadow dragon, and supposed 'brother' of Sting Eucliffe. A Shadow Dragon Slayer. Other Abilities include; Being able to use Dragon Force at will, can succumb and/or hide in the shadows, can eat any shadow." I responded, closing and re-opening my eyes as their normal clover green color. Then, I looked at 'Sting', my eyes turning yellow again.

"Sting Eucliffe, son of Weisslogia, the holy dragon, and supposed 'brother' of Rouge Cheney. A Holy/Light Dragon Slayer. Other Abilities include; Being able to use Dragon Force at will, can eat any sort of light or holy source." I said in my robotic voice. I closed my eyes, re-opened them, and smiled happily.

"Now I know ALL about my enemies!" I said, giggling at Sting and Rouge's shocked faces. "Let's take this outside, ne?" I said, hopping outside, Sting, Rouge, the guild master, Jiemma, and all the other guild members. Everyone placed their bets on Sting and Rogue, while Jiemma and someone named Minerva bet on me. I guess they sensed some strong power from me, maybe.


"Holy Dragon's... ROAR!" A white beam of light shot towards me, but i moved aside, my eyes turning yellow.

"Holy Dragon's Roar. A Holy Dragon Slayer's attack. Power level; 1048. Weakness: Fire, Shadow, and Dispelling magic. Estimated speed of charge-up; 4-5 seconds." I said, my eyes turning green again. I felt a dark presence behind me, and I jumped out of the way before Rouge attacked me with a Shadow Dragon Iron Fist. I kept dodging and analyzing until I analyzed all of their attacks. Yes, they even used their unison raid on me, but the weakness of the attack was showing no fear or surprise, and I was not affected.

"ANALYSIS COMPLETE!" I said, a sharp smirk growing on my face. I spread my wings and flew up into the air.

"Analysis Virus, MALWARE SHOCK!" I yelled, looking at the now screaming Sting and Rouge. I floated gently to the ground, while Sting and Rouge passed out. Many people were asking me what attack that was, shocked that I beat Sting and Rogue in one attack.

"You see, that attack was called Malware Shock. It takes all the weaknesses from a completely analyzed entity and shoots it at them at the speed of light. This is why you should focus on hitting me rather than casting your spells, because once I am hit with an attack, I cannot analyze it for that battle. It is very strong magic and only the Dark Mage Zeref knew this magic, and even so, he rarely uses it. I found it in an ancient book and taught myself Virus or Analysis magic. It can be known as both." I responded.

"Wow you're so strong!"

"Can you teach me?"

"She deserves to be in Sabertooth."

I smiled warmly at Master Jiemma and walked up to him.

"Jiemma, was it? So, can I PLEASE join Sabertooth?" I asked.

"Why, of course. You are quite a strong opponent. I doubt even I would be able to beat you. Now, where would you want the Sabertooth guild mark?" He says in a booming voice.

"Right hand, and black, please." I said. He chanted some words and a white Sabertooth guild mark appeared on my right hand.

"Now, what is your name?" He boomed.

"I'm Akanaru Kurosei! It's amazing to be in this guild!" I hummed and walked over to Sting and Rouge.

"Analysis: Healing 1. Data Transfer Complete." I said, and Sting and Rouge's bruises were immediately gone, as well as their magic power being restored.

"Ugh... What happened...?" Sting groaned, as Rouge said nothing and got up, but still with a shocked expression.

"Such power... I wonder if they could beat Gajeel..." Rouge murmured, but I could hear him.

I was going to like my new family. 

But still, when I was in Fairy Tail, everyone seemed sad... All except... Natsu.



CIAO READER SAMA!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!

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