Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

When I opened my eyes, I was just beyond the outskirts of Magnolia, I could see the entrance to the city from here. I smiled and my eyes lit up as I hopped into the town of Magnolia.

It was as loud as I remembered. I was hopping over to the Fairy Tail guild, prepared to go along with my Revenge plan. I had thought it all out in my head.

Okay, Lucy, er, wait... no one can know that it's you. How about... Akanaru... yeah! Akanaru Kurosei (Red Blackness)! That'll be my cover-up name! I'll only tell Master... *ahem* OKAY AKANARU! You can do this! You WILL get your revenge on Fairy Tail! No matter how much it hurts, you will DESTROY THEM! Ok, ok... *ahem* Just walk into the guild, asking to see Master. Then put up a soundproof barrier and tell him that I'm Lucy. Then tell him you're joining Sabertooth AND inform him that you want to battle them at the GMGs. Then go to Crocus, join Sabertooth, make new friends, and humiliate Fairy Tail in the GMGs. Oh, I should probably hide my wings... NAH!

I made my way towards Fairy Tail, ignoring the stares and whistles towards me. Once I was in front of the guild, I slowly pushed open the doors and ducked as a table flew my way.

"Um... Excuse me? Can I see your Master, I have a message for him." I said, titing my head to the side.

"Why of course, miss! Just walk up the stairs and enter the door to the left." said a voice. I looked towards it and saw Mira. She looked happy on the outside, but in her eyes were sadness. I made my way to Master's office and slowly opened the doors. Makarov looked up from his paperwork and looked at me.

"Ah, come in, miss." He said, with a grin.

I closed the door behind me, sat down and put a soundproof dragon-tongue written rune down.

"Master... It's me, Lucy..." I said, a tear escaping my eyes.

"L-Lucy?! No way, you look so different, it can't be you!"

I changed my form back to when I had first started training.

"It's me, Master... I left when a Dragon found me. She took me to a distant realm, the Dragon Realm. I am the Princess of that Realm, and I was trained by Dragons, Gods, Wolfs, Angels, Demons, and Fairies, as well as with my family. I now know all types of magic, x100. I am stronger than Zeref, my brother, and my Sister-in-Law, Mavis Vermillion. My full name is Lucy Lucky Vermillion Heartfelia." I said, all seriousness trapped in my eyes.




"WHAAAAAAAT?!???!!" Master practically yelled at the top of his lungs, and my ears were basically bleeding right now.

"Yes... Anyway, I wanted to inform you that I will be joining a guild named Sabertooth. They are currently the number One guild in Fiore. I will be competing in the Grand Magic Games, as I recommend you do as well, and I hope to battle you there. Farewell, Makarov." I said, morphing back into Akanaru Kurosei. I undid the soundproof barrier and hopped outside of the guild, teleporting in front of the Sabertooth guild.

"This will be my new home..."




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