Chapter 10

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Natsu's POV

I snuck to an alleyway, trying to take in what happened. My god! That girl just knocked out some of the strongest members of Fairy Tail with ease because there was a song stuck in her head! What the actual fu-

WAIT. Why was that b*tch smirking at me?! Oh-hohoho! She thinks she's so much better than I am! I could-

"'Take her out with one hit?' How hilarious, Dragneel. You're still the cocky lizard you always were." I froze as I turned my head slowly to my left, seeing... what was it..? Nakuro? Akano? Uhh...

"It's Akanaru." Oh yeah! Akanaru- WAIT DID SHE JUST-

"Yes, I read your mind."

"What do you want." I growled.

"Does the name Lucy Heartfelia ring a bell?" My eyes widened and I snorted.

"That weakling? What about her?" She 'tch'ed and glared at me, making me shiver.

"That 'weakling' is actually as stronger than I am. So I'd keep your mouth shut. She's also the one that trained me." Wait, that weakling TRAINED this witch? I thought it'd be the other way around!

"Well. Good day, Dragneel." And like that, she disappeared.

"Maybe she's just as weak as Lucy than. Heh." I smirked. She was obviously lying. That weakling only hid behind her spirits, she could never hold up a fight.

Lucy's POV

So Flame-brain still hasn't changed, eh? He still thinks I'm weak. Well, if I fight him, I'll show I'm really Lucy. 

I decided to teleport back to my stand, and everyone was saying how strong and cool I was. I just sighed and said it was nothing, like always. The battles were boring.

"And that concludes the 3rd day of the Grand Magic Games-kabo!" After that, we all walked to the inn and had a nice sleep.

~time skip, the next day, mini-game portion~

"And the mini-game for today is Naval Battle-kabo! There will be a sphere of water in the center of the arena, and the goal is to knock the other players out of the sphere, while staying safe at the same time. The time limit is 10 minutes! However, when the time limit is at 5 minutes, the special '5 minute rule' will begin! If anyone falls out of the sphere during this time, they will immediately be sent to last place! However, afterwards, if you are knocked out, you will be in second place-kabo! Good luck!" I smiled and volunteered to join. They were weary, but I convinced them.

"And from Sabertooth is Akanaru-kabo!" The crowd cheered, making the stadium shake. I hopped into the sphere, smirking. I saw that Gray and Juvia had participated from Fairy Tail. As soon as it started, I chanted,

"TRANSFORM! Form 90! SYRENI!" And just like that, I transformed into (media). I smirked as I saw people staring at me in awe.

 I smirked as I saw people staring at me in awe

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