Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

-9 years later-

It's been 9 years since I left Earthland and trained in the Dragon Realm with the Dragons and my family(It took longer than expected to master dark magic). My mother told me that my father, Acnologia, had visited Tenrojima Island while Fairytail was doing their S class trials 7 years ago, and that they would be sleeping for 7 years before they awoke. Apparently, Macao has been playing the role of Master. Silly him, he couldn't run the place for an hour, the guild's probably gone from the strongest to the weakest. Anyway, my hair had turned a platinum blonde, with two black highlights, and my eyes were now a clover green. My hair is to the end of my back, and my hair naturally became curly. I became adjusted to wearing no shoes during Rock's training, hiking up mountains barefoot and all, so I was always barefoot. I wore a white, silk dress that faded to black that went to my mid-thighs, as well as a white lace scarf. Wherever I walked, white flowers would grow behind me, though of course, only when on soil. I had black angel wings that faded to white. My scent changed from Vanilla and Strawberries to Mint and Blackberries.

"Princess, it's time to depart to Earthland."

I jumped as I heard Flora, the nature dragon, call me.

"Oh, right. Coming." I said, sadly. I was really gonna miss the Dragon Realm, the dragons, and my family. I had grown so accustomed to them.

I hopped put of my bed and headed towards the ballroom, where all the dragons and my family were there to bid me farewell. I was nervous, being that Fairytail just HAD to return from Tenrojima this year. Then Mother walked up to me with a box full of different colored keys.

"Lucy, dear... We are giving you these keys so that you may call upon any dragon, wolf, god, fairy, or demon when you please. However, if you lose them, you can always chant, 'Pass through, (element being) , I summon thee, (being name).' Okay? Otherwise, chant as you would normally do. I am putting them in your spawning inventory so you can spawn the keys when you like. Stay safe dear... We all love you." She said, and I was holding back tears, smiling happily. 

"Thank you, minna... I have to leave now..." I said, my hands shakily over my heart.

"Farewell, princess!" -Flora


"Say hi to Rogue." -Skiadrum

"Say hello to mah boy, Sting, eh?" -Weisslogia

"See ya, Bunny Princess." - Metallicana 

"Goodbye, child! Say hello to my dear Wendy, ne?" -Garandine


"Say hello to Gray, he seems like he would have been a lovely dragon slayer, that boy." -Frostia (ice)

"Um... Farewell princess Lucy..." -Wholinia (weather)

"Later, punk!" -Zirconis (jade)

"Farewell, my daughter." Acnologia (apocolypse)

I smiled sadly as they all said their farewells. Zeref and Mom cried and begged me not to leave, but I knew I had to.

"Farewell... I love you all..." I said, turning around to chant...

"OPEN, PORTAL TO EARTHLAND, MAGNOLIA!" A green and baby blue portal opened, and I turned around and gave one last smile to my family, then hopping in the portal, closing it behind me.


Ik, ik, this chapter was short

but i wrote it at like 11 at night

so uh



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