Chapter 7

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Lucy's POV

I hid my scent and went invisible, then teleported into my house.

What is HE doing here?!

Natsu was snooping around, while Happy was just watching disapprovingly.

"Y'know, Natzu, you shouldn't go sneaking in other people's houses. Especially if they're hidden behind a waterfall. They must be real introverted, the person livin' here, aye."

"Yeah, yeah. But the job said to find a dark mage in hiding. He or she could live here, you never know."

So... They're looking for that one dark mage I put in jail 3 hours ago? Man, they got here late. Well, might as well have some fun...

I changed my appearance to... (media)

I changed my scent to lavender and charcoal

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I changed my scent to lavender and charcoal. 

I'll use Dark Restraint and Dark Nullify magic.

I made myself visible again.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Fairy Tail mages, trashing a poor girl's home... Looks like you beat me to it! Ha!" I said in the most dark tone I could muster. Natsu swung around and Happy just hid behind him, terrified.

"So you're the Dark Mage that's been trashing this town?" I just laughed like a maniac and smirked at him. This was going to be fun.

"Why yes, dear, I am! HAHAHAHA~"

"You better leave before I burn you to ashes..."

"PLEASE! You must not know who I am."

"You're the Dark Mage that's been kidnapping and torturing people for fun around here. That's all I need to know."

"Y'know, Natsu... I used to look up to you. I thought you were the purest person alive, caring for your guild mates as your own kin. But everything changed..."

"What do you mean? I've never mistreated a member of my nakama in my life." I just laughed and shook my head.

"That celestial mage, Lucy Heartfelia. You beat her, called her useless and weak, spread rumors about her mistreating strangers and guild members. You... DISGUST ME!" Then he just laughed.

"That weakling? She was never a part of our guild, she was too weak to realize that. She hid behind her spirits. It suited the weakling, she could never handle anything on her own!" Then I snapped. How DARE he?!

"I DESPISE AND DISGUST YOU, NATSU DRAGNEEL! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" I swung black and poison chains at his legs and slammed him outside on a hard and sharp stone.


"Fire Dragon's... ROAR!" A gust of fire zoomed towards me.

"Dark Nullify." His flames disintegrated, and he started coughing and wheezing. I guess the poison got to him.

I stomped up to him and chanted, "Power Disability. Lack Of Magic. 1 week." His magic power drained, and I cut off any type of magic he could use for 1 week. Now he'd know how I felt.

"NATZU! YOU MONSTER!" Happy yelled from behind me. Natsu was still conscious so I put a spell that would make him fall asleep.

"Happy... I really missed you, Carla, Panther Lily, Gajeel, Wendy, the Rajinshuu, Mira, Lisanna, Master... All of you..." I started transforming back into Lucy. How I looked mid-way of my training. My hair was straight and down to my mid-back, my eyes were hazel, and of course, I was wearing my signature smile.

"" Happy stuttered, tears silently dripping from his face.

"LUSHEEEE!" Happy ran into my arms, and I hugged him, crying.

"Ne, Happy? Don't tell anyone else I'm here and alive. Oh, and I'm not actually the dark mage... I arrested that guy 3 hours ago. My cover name is Akanaru Kurosei, an Analysis and Telepathy wizard."

"But, L-Lushee, how did you get all that amazing power and magic?!"

"I was trained. Bye Happy. Oh, and I look forward to seeing you in the Grand Magic Games. Look out for... me!" I said, turning into my present form, and teleporting a mile away from the Sabertooth guild. I quickly changed my scent back to Mint and Blackberries and ran to the guild hall.

Happy's POV

I can't believe it... Lushee's alive... AND SHE'S SUPER FRICKING STRONG! TAKE THAT NATZU!

"Ughhh... Happy, where's that Dark Mage...?" Oh, I guess Natzu's up now.

"Ne? OH, some Sabertooth wizards found her and took her out before she got to me. Her name was Oyasumaru or something, aye!" Natzu just growled.

"I'M GONNA KICK HER BUTT FOR TRYING TO HURT YOU, HAPPY!" Usually he would be on fire by now, but the funny thing is, I don't sense any magic power on him. AT ALL!

"Hey uh, Natzu? I don't sense any magic coming from you."

"NANI?! FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!" Natzu punched a tree, but he just grabbed his hand and whined like the big baby he is.

"We should go get Wendy, aye sir!"

Lucy's POV

I pushed open the doors to Sabertooth and Sting rushed over and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a crowd in front of Jiemma.

"Finally, you're here, Akanaru! Now I may make my announcement!" Jiemma roared, standing up from his 'throne'.

"Listen up, Sabers! The GMG's are starting, and I have made my decision on who will be participating! The participants will be;







Our reserve will be Yukino. And since Minerva will not be able to make it the first 2 days, Yukino will take her place temporarily! Now go train before I beat you to a pulp!"

We all set out to train, but Sting says he wants to ask me something. I decided to go train Yukino later. I walked with him to the side of the guild.

"So, what did you want to say, Sting-kun?" I ask and he blushes and grabs my hand.

"U-Um, Akana... I l-like- no, l-love y-you!" My eyes water and I lean in and kiss him.

"I love you too, Stingy-bee..." He blushes and looks at me.

"W-Will you be my girlfriend..?" I smile and nod, hugging him.

"Well, I need to go train with Yukino. Buh-bye, Stingy-bee!" I say, walking off to a forest where I told Yukino to meet me there, and waving.


"Analysis Transfer; Urano Metria. Transfer Complete, Current Power Level: 2073." Me and Yukino trained her Urano Metria until her power level for it was at 9999 and wasn't fainting. This of course, took about 2 and a half months for Yukino to master. Sting and Jiemma were saying I should train as well, but I insisted I was fine, because, surprise surprise, I was.

Well, only 1 week until the GMGs. Time to visit Family!


yes i know espanol

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