Chapter 13

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Lucy's POV

I sighed, staring into space, crossing my legs whilst sitting on my throne, which was white with gemstones everywhere. It's been 1 year since I made Hevomij and Helaex, and everyone in Hevomij was happy.

"Time to check up on Helaex. Being a Goddess is hard..." I pout. I grow black and grey demon wings and fly out of my palace, which I named Hevolaex Palace. I flew rather quickly to Helaex. Everyone in there was a criminal. All except one, one who I was planning on releasing from Helaex. And that person was none other than my crush, 












Laxus Dreyar. Yes, Laxus is in Helaex, but only because I found he was thinking about trying to overthrow Fairy Tail again. But, over a year, he's talked to me and we became close. And when I look in his mind, I see no thoughts of hurting anyone. I sighed and entered Helaex, and the moment I landed, all chaos stopped and someone shouted, "The Goddess is here!" I smirked as everyone bowed down. I made an illusion of me brutally murdering someone when they started to rebel being captive here. Everyone bowed... Except Laxus. Everyone was whispering on how I was going to slaughter or torture him. But I wasn't.

"I have come here to release one of you from the grasp of Helaex, and to move into the Hevolaex Palace with me." Everyone was now whispering and hoping it would be them.

"That person is-"

"It's me, and your not going to say no." I looked calmly at the voice of an annoying pink haired dragon slayer.

"Mm.. No. And if you keep retaliating, I'll kill you." I said, bored out of my mind. Natsu was the leader of the Retaliation. He tried countless times to make me take him to Hevomij, sometimes even threatening me.

"But I know your weakness," he smirked, "It's your mother, right? Well look what I have here!" He chuckled evilly and held up my mother, tied up. I looked at her, my eyebrows raised, but my eyes were still grazed with boredom. She winked at me, and I returned to my poker face.

"What about it?"

"What? What do you mean 'What about it?' You should be begging me to let her go!" He growled. I just chuckled. My mother knew that to keep Hevomij safe, I had to be a feared and heartless ruler of Helaex, and to scare the Helaexians to not retaliate. I haven't actually killed anyone, at least not yet. I laughed evilly.

"You actually think I care? Now go away before I rip your head off."

"Argh..! FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" A heap of fire came at me, but I dispersed it. My face showed hatred and anger. I slowly turn toward him, and he steps back, his face pale.

Mother, I am going to kill him. Please forgive me.

I tell her telepathically. She nods slowly, understanding. My eyes glow red and a red katana appears in my hand.

"You dare attack me? I AM LUCIZA, GODDESS AND RULER OF YOUR LAND, AND I CHOSE TO LET YOU LIVE INSTEAD OF KILLING YOU! NOW DIE YOU UNGRATEFUL CRIMINAL!" I charge at him, and before he can run away, I stab him in the stomach. He lets out a 'hrk' noise and falls to the ground, dead. I disperse the katana and look back at the people of Helaex.

"Anyway. The person that will be coming with me is Laxus Dreyar. No objections. Come now, Laxus." Laxus nodded. He knew I was close to killing Natsu, because every time we talked I would bring him up and my eyes would turn red, so he was unfazed, while everyone else was pale. I grabbed mother's rope and gag and burned it off. she stood up and bowed slightly, teleporting back to the Dragon Realm. I grabbed onto Laxus' arm and teleported us to the Hevolaex Palace. I looked at him in the eyes and held his hands.

"Um.. Laxus, I... really um, l-like you.. S-so.. P-please be my King!" I was blushing 50 shades darker than Erza's hair. I heard Laxus chuckle and I looked at his eyes. His FUCKING dreamy eyes.

"I love ya too, blondie.." I was about to protest about him calling me blondie, but I was instantly greeted with lips that sent shocks down my back. I slowly melted into it and smiled. Everything was going to be okay, I realized. Natsu was dead and gone, I had my King, and my real friends were free from any pain.

Everything is perfect now.

Lucy Heartfelia's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now