Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV

It slightly hurt, knowing my old real friends would not remember me. The rest of the battles were boring, and I didn't want to pay attention to anything anyway. The games ended and I teleported home. I transformed into my Fire Pheonix Form (media).

 I transformed into my Fire Pheonix Form (media)

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A tear rolled off my cheek. I would be happy, Natsu wouldn't rumor of the 'weak Lucy Heartfelia', my friends wouldn't grieve anymore, no one in Sabertooth would do the same thing as Fairy Tail did, and no one would know I was her. She is now Akanaru Kurosei. Nothing will change that. It was around night now, and  I sighed and wiped away the tear on my face and teleported to a restaurant, ignoring the stares I was getting. I got a table and the waiter looked at me with an eyebrow raised. Ugh.

"I'm Akanaru, the one in the GMGs who can change forms. I just want a Steak and a Vanilla Milkshake. Thanks." He nodded and went away to get my order. When he came back I ate quickly and paid. I walked outside and went down an alley to get a shortcut to the inn. I knew I could teleport, but I didn't feel like it and I was bored anyway.

"Well, what do we have here, a sexy bird lady?" I knew that voice. Natsu... Why couldn't you stay out of my life? I could tell he wasn't even drunk. Then I heard another voice and my eyes widened.

"Yea Natsu, lets have some fun with her..~" Why. Was STING here?! I knew it. He was just like Natsu. He is my BOYFRIEND, and yet he goes off in an alley to rape someone. I transformed into my Ketsueki form and glared at him. His eyes widened and he stuttered. Natsu just raised an eyebrow.

"Sting, dear. You really don't love me at all, do you? A few months ago you said you did and we were happy. But look at you now. You would rape a random woman when you're in a relationship with me. I knew you too similar to him. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER FUCKING TRUSTED YOU! VENINUM TACTUS!" A greenish purple glow surrounded my hand and I slashed him, leaving him unconscious. I turned to Natsu and scoffed.

"UT QUAVIS SANGUINIS!" A blackish red beam shot at him and he fell unconscious as well.

"I guess things never change. In reality, everyone is the same. They all cheat, lie, disturb, and disgust others. They all only care for themselves. I swear on my mother, Layla Astrum Heartfelia Vermillion, that I will set this world ablaze, and destroy all the lies that have been told. THIS IS A SELF ORDER, GOD OF ORGANIZATION, STRUO! I CAST UPON YOUR POWER TO SET IN FATE THAT THIS WORLD BE PUT ABLAZE BY I, LUCY LUCKY HEARTFELIA VERMILLION! QUOD FUTURUM EST, IAM LAPIS IN PONE, UT FACIAM MIHI PEDES IN FUTURUM RUINA! TYCHI DIATARACHIS!" I chanted the spell Fate Disturbance and 'tsk'ed. I turned back into my Fire Phoenix Form and teleport to my room in the inn. Before I could stop myself I started sobbing.

"Lucy, why are you crying? You should know that any sibling of mine shouldn't cry."

"ZEREF-NII!" I jump into his arms and cry.

"There, there. No need to explain either, I saw it myself. But Lucy-nee, I need you to dispel the memory erase spell you casted. Please. Tell them who you really are."

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