Chapter 6 - ASR is back

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Arnav fumed in jealousy and rage when he saw NK taking Khushi to the poolside.

He thought, "Here I am feeling ashamed for treating Khushi terrible in the past and there, that buffoon NK, is trying to steal my girl."

Arnav knew eavesdropping someone's conversation was bad manners but when the matter came to his girl, he didn't care about anything.

Following them, he hid outside and remained there, listening to what they were talking about. When NK shouted about a secret, Arnav thought NK to be the dumbest fool on earth for shouting their secret talks but little did he know, that NK did that to let Arnav hear clearly.

Yes, NK deliberately took khushi to the poolside knowing very well that Arnav would follow them. He tried his best to make Arnav know the truth by Khushi's mouth by herself but the entire truth didn't come out.

After they left, Arnav stood there all dazed. The things which were kept ringing in his mind were-

1. Khushi was planning to leave the city and go somewhere.

2. She was doing that to protect everyone. Mainly, him.

He was hell confused on not knowing the reason behind her decision. He was more agitated than confused. When he finally decided to share his life with the person he loved, she was planning to go away from him. This was what he was scared about all the time. Once, he lost the person who was dearest to him, from then he locked his heart, not letting anyone in.

Many girls tried to lure him, get close to him but he always hated such girls. He hated the girls who tried to allure him just for his money. No matter how hard they tried but those girls did not reach near him, forget about reaching the boundaries he built around his heart. Deep down in his heart, he wanted to have a caring, loving and traditional girl, just like his mother. But ASR did not know it, the Arnav who was buried deep inside him did.

That Arnav fought really hard with ASR for a very long time after Khushi came into his life. Giving up, ASR also agreed that without Khushi, he could not live. When finally he was getting the missing piece of his life (Khushi), she exploded a bomb, by rejecting him. And now she was planning to detonate a nuclear bomb by going away from him. 

Like, hell he was going to let that happen!

"One thing is clear, she reciprocates my feelings. Then why is she planning to leave everyone--- me? And that's for everyone's safety? Wonder what crap is going on her mind. I can find out the reason behind the crazy stunt she is going to do later but now, I have to stop her from leaving the city and get her into my life before I lose my patience and marry her forcibly. Must work hard to convince her absurd and stubborn mind......" 

Making plans, Arnav went to the people from who he could demand help.

He was so immersed in his Khushi's world that he completely had forgotten one thing, that there was a person who knew the entire truth and that he could easily find out what the hell was going on. Bach gaya NK! (NK was lucky!)


"This is not fair!" whined NK. "Why did you both wake me up this early in the morning? And for what, to take you both to the temple? That's so cruel of you. We should amend one more fundamental right, 'Right to Sleep'," he huffed.

Nani and Anjali laughed.

"Well, what if we brought you with us to tell you what happened last night?" said Anjali, giggling.

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