Jeremy Fisher Is an Asshole To Handicapped Men (Harry)

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Harry walked inside staring at the decaying walls of the house. The voices suddenly went silent, the silence was quickly filled by the sound of a click. It almost sounded like how you would load a gun...

From the room the door slowly creeped open, Harry took a step back. The two people who he had heard, peeked their head out.  They looked so familiar. Harry's eyes fixated on the male. Black, curly hair, dark brown eyes.... "ymereJ...?"
Jeremy, like everyone else, did not understand Harry's sentence. But, he did recognize Harry. However Jeremy is no Joyce. Pulling the gun from behind his back Jeremy took careful aim. Harry's eyes widened and turned to run. But before he could get a couple feet from him Jeremy shot Harry in the lower back. ""!TIHS YLOH ,LLEH EKIL STRUH TI !EM TOOHS UOY DLUOW KCUF EHT YHW !HGA!!!!" Harry yelled nearly falling to the floor.

Jeremy drew the gun back and slammed the door, taking refuge back in the room. "O-okay maybe it'll bleed out? We'll just have to wait and see!" He said throwing the gun on the bed.

Majory, who had seen the whole thing, looked at Jeremy with an unrecognizable expression. "Did you just shoot Hubert's boss in the back?" She asked pointing a pale finger at the door.

"WH- of course I did!" Jeremy said, now realizing what Majory was talking about.

"DUDE! Now how is Hubert going to get paid!?" Majory yelled throwing her arms in the air.
They both went silent. Jeremy broke the quietness with a snicker, Majory soon joined in. The duo started to laugh uncontrollably. "D-dude! That's so m-messed up!" Jeremy snickered holding his stomach.

Meanwhile Harry was on his stomach listening to their conversation. Harry grumbled in pain and annoyance as he tried to push himself up. "...selohssa eguh lla rieht ....meht htiw sdneirf saw trebuH yhw dnatsrednu I won ,mmH"

Meanwhile (again)

As Joyce and Salad sat in silence a gunshot not far from the house rang out. Making Joyce jump, and Salad nearly flinch as he was fixated on a cockroach skittering across the floor. "That sounded like a gunshot!" Joyce said getting up from the couch, looking out their one window.

"I-it sounds like a bird...." Salad replied absent mindedly.

Joyce cracked a smiled at his comment but turned her attention back to the window. "...It could be one of the military men!" She exclaimed, slamming her hands on the window sill.

Salad jumped and turned his head to her. "Heavens to Bestsy! I-I'm trying to talk to F-Fredrick!" Salad grumbled, pointing one finger at the cockroach.

"Oops, sorry.... but, anyways I'm going out for awhile, I need to make sure Harry is okay!" Joyce replied, grabbing her bloodstained pocket knife.

Salad nodded, as his eyes looked at her for a moment, before going back to the bug. "If Guilt gets up make sure he doesn't leave!" Joyce said running from to the door.b


That title tho

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