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So, first I'm going to start off with my sexual orientation. (Coming out officially on wattpad.)

I identify as Asexual.
(That's the asexual flag on the side^^^)

Asexual is when you don't experience sexual attraction. (No, I don't reproduce by myself. I've heard that so many times.) So, basically you could still like someone romantically, like dating them, you just don't feel the need/want to sleep with them.

There are a few different types of asexual. (Not referring to other sexualities, like grey-ace, or demisexual, however those are on the very large spectrum.)

There is sex repulsed (Which I am, but getting a little better at handling.) This is when you don't even like the thought of sex, or sexual things. (This could be reading a very descriptive sex scene in a book. for example. Or watching a movie with a sex scene.)

That's not the best definition, but hopefully you get the point, if not you can leave a comment :)

There's sex indifferent, where you are neither completely repulsed by it, or in favor of it.

There's more I think, but if I missed some, leave it in the comments and I can put those on here to.

Like I said up there, I am sex repulsed. honestly this is difficult in this world. I think you understand where that comes from. Everyone is like obsessed with dating and sleeping with someone. (I tend to use sleeping as an alternate to saying sex btw.) basically I don't like to talk about sex, or read about it, or watch a movie with a lot of it, however I will (now) because the friends I have are pretty into that stuff.

If you want to know about my experiences coming out as ace, I can make that the next chapter. spoiler alert: Most are not happy endings.

I'm pretty accepting of being asexual, (honestly I'm pretty bipolar about the whole thing. [Not really bipolar btw.]) however, I mostly 'enjoy' being asexual. (I use that enjoy very lightly.) I wish I could be less awkward about sex, (or in general) or at least not want to die when I hear the word. (Or have a panic attack when someone tries to... Spoilers, that can be later. lol)

If there's anything else you want to know about me being asexual, leave a comment and I will answer in a chapter. Other than that, I'm not sure what else to say, so until next chapter...


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