Coming out????

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Hey guys!! So I wanna talk about the big thing.....

Coming out!!!!

So yeah, I've been thinking about coming out a lot lately... I've just wanted to a lot...

So recently I've wanted to come out because that person I told you about, that I'm now in an aromantic relationship with... Yeah, so my moms been really annoying when it comes o him...

So she thinks he's still my friend.. Keep this in mind...

So she keeps telling me to keep my door open when he's in my room, which probably sounds normal to anyone else... But she's never done this before, and it's just with him... Who I haven't even been friends with for a year yet, and keep in mind that she thinks we're still just friends... 

So like she keeps telling me that I need to be careful.. And when I want to get birth control, and the last time I was at the doctors... She was asking him about like shots I guess that you get when you're like sexually active... And she's saying that I need to get them... And now the thing with the door, like I wanna just scream IM ASEXUAL!!!!!!!!

Ugh, like for real... But I want to come out actually... It's weird, cause just a couple months ago I didn't think/plan to ever come out... Like in my life... But now I'm just tired of being in the closet and I feel like once I'm out it'll be easier to do the things I want to...

But I wanna think of how I want to come out....

I've tried to come out verbally... On my own with my mom, but I couldn't get anything out... So I don't think that's the best option for me...

But I either want to do something like that... Or a group thing with my friends that already accept me... That way they could all be around and help me actually come out... Just throw a party with my friends, and my parents think it's just a regular party, but really it's a coming out party or something... And have them help me come out, or something... Idk...

I guess I'll just end with a question for you, that I'd really like to know the answer to...

What is your coming out story? If you're out, and do you know a way to come out? Like an idea? And do you see any problems with the above S mentioned plans??

Ok, questions or comments????


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