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Hey guys!!! What's up?

So this chapter actually has to do with lgbt stuff....

So in an earlier chapter I posted that I was questioning my romantic orientation... Well a nice person commented on my book (Delnog)
So they gave me some options and I've looked into them...

One thing was quoiromantic... This is on the aromantic spectrum, and it's where you have trouble differentiating platonic and romantic feelings or actions...
I think this is part of what I'm feeling, because I do have trouble realizing actions and feelings that are platonic or romantic...

Another thing is alterous attraction... This isn't exactly an orientation or a sexuality... But it is a type of 'Aromantic' attraction. This is where you are attracted to someone but not fully platonically or fully romantically...
It's somewhere in between platonic and romantic...

This I feel is pretty close to what I feel towards this person I'm in a 'platonic' relationship with... So I'm glad I got that figured out but I still have two more questions...

Why am I only 'attracted' to this one person?? Like why can't I feel this towards other people?? Not that I want to I just don't get why I'm attracted to this one person and why it's only them... Ever...

And is there a term for people to be in a relationship that's (alterous) like not fully platonic or romantic?? Like if it's just called an alterous relationship??

Because I feel this is more the type of relationship me and this person are in.. I don't really feel like it's 100% platonic anymore...

Well that's my chapter, sorry if it was confusing or if you need me to explain what those two things are a little better...

Well, thank you for listening, and thank you if you comment and help me out or have any questions...

Questions???? Comments????


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