•Chapter 1•

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My hot breath mixes in with the cold air as my sides ache from the strain that I am putting on my body. It's not like I can change that, though. The only person who can change that is the one following me with the gun. I just pray that he is a bad aim.

Doesn't seem like that, though, I realize as the bullet rips through the air with a deafening 'BANG'.

The bullet narrowly misses my head, making me recall how I even found my way in this mess.

And I would be lying if I said I didn't know. But I would be lying if I said I did.

The unknown person shoots again, making my feet hit the ground at a faster pace.

I round the corner of the building only to hear a bullet ricochets off of the wall. My hands fly to shield my head out of instinct as my feet stumble to catch my balance.

I dare not look back at the figure in fear of them catching me. But that didn't seem to be my problem at the moment.

My arm falls numb as my flesh is ripped open. A cry escapes my lips, letting the person know they have hit me.

My eyes are pricked with tears as I bite my lip to keep anymore sounds from coming out of it.

I can't get out of this one. I'm going to die, and no one will know about it. I will just be a name without a face.

Or maybe they will. Maybe it will be investigated, and when they do find my killer, my dad will lock him up forever.

Maybe that's why I am in this whole mess.

My strangled scream echoes through the space of the night. Three very large men corner me as soon as I turn the corner of the building.

One of them grabs my upper arm right where my flesh and blood meets the open air. My wince cannot be covered up, I cannot hide my fear and pain any longer.

A rough-callused hand holds back any other sounds I could have made. Tears stream down my face, myself unable to hold them in.

My body trembles as they start to speak to one another, but I do not listen. I cannot hear the voices of the ones who will kill me.

And yet, something they say breaks my willpower and fills me with interest mixed in with the fear,"Black Mask wants her dead. What are you waiting for? Kill her."

"Now, now, don't let us get ahead of ourselves. We could have some fun with this one. She has proved to be an enjoyable target." One of the men's eyes sparkle in interest at me.

The act only makes me squirm against the man holding me down. My skin almost seems to be revoking against his.

Maybe I will die like-

"Yeah, before you kill her, you should tell us all the reason you are. You know, the way all the evil villains do." A new voice pipes up.

I blink to try to make out the figure, but I have no clue where they are. They sound like they are above us.

The voice echos throughout the alley behind the building,"No? Fine."

That's when the bullets started raining down on each of the men around me.

The scream that I produce doesn't meet its full volume due to the hand still wrapped around my head.

The man holding me pushes his thumb into the bullet wound on my arm,"Try anything and you're dead."

The pain makes my knees weak as I force the cry of pain back into my throat.

I watch as a bullet meets a man in front of me, dropping him to the ground in a split second.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now