•Chapter 33•

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"My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea"
~ Taylor Swift


I roll over, my eyes shut tightly as I nuzzle my head into my pillow.

Warmth spreads over my stomach as a heavy weight is placed on me, causing hot tingles to shoot throughout my body.

My eyebrows knit together as I bring my free hand up to run my eyes before opening one of them to find a very muscular arm wrapped around my waist, and an identical one as my pillow.

Oh shoot.

Both of my eyes pop open as I assess the situation, because I know freaking out like I did last time wouldn't be the best thing to do again.

Slowly, I close my eyes again, silently deciding not to do anything. Why? Because I can't think when I have barely woken up and I can also easily blame this on last night.

We stayed up swapping secrets and talk about anything and everything. Well, I did. Jason was less than eager to share as much as I did, but I knew it was because of his own turmoil, and I was perfectly fine with that.

And that is why I have an excuse to be cuddled up with him; cuddling is healthy for you. It releases oxytocin, which is good for stress... and needless to say we were both-are both stressed.

At least that's what I tell my half-asleep self, a red flag fluttering in my mind as he shifts slightly next to me.

I frown as he slowly lifts my head up with his arm, taking his other from around my torso to cradle my head as he slips his arm out from under me. The bed shifts, and cold air hits my back before a blanket is placed back over me.

Seconds later I hear the door shut than the shower turn on.

At least I wasn't the one to run away first this time.

I sigh and turn over, the spot he was just in still warm. My eyes squeeze together tightly before I finally will them open.

Light floods through the room, the windows being the source as I force myself to sit up.

I shake the sleep from my body before my mind connects that fact that I have to actually sneak out of this room before anyone realizes that I am in this room.

My eyes go wide as I think about the conversations and questions I would get it if I were caught. So, let's not get caught.

A horrible thought comes to my mind and I fall back into the bed, groaning as I realize something; Damian Wayne will so know about this.


"How did you sleep, Miss Hazel?"

Almost as if it were an automatic response, my skin flushes, causing me to turn away as I pet Titus. "Good, all things considered." It's not like I'm guilty of anything, I chide.

"And what of Jason?"

I am starting to realize why Jason calls this child the demon spawn.

I shrug, getting my flush under control before I meet the steady gaze of Damian.

Oh, he so knows. But that also means that he knows we just stayed up and talked.

Luckily, no one at the table seems to think of his grilling as not normal as Tim hadn't even looked up to say anything to me, and Bruce is frowning deeply at something on his computer screen.

I was a little caught off guard when I walked in and he was here, but then again this is his house.

"What's for breakfast?" Jason's voice questions behind me, causing my to glance back at him.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now