•Chapter 19•

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I didn't realize I had been staring at the TV with my fists clenched so tightly that my knuckles were turning white until Jason slowly reached for one to in tangle it.

"Hazel?" He tried again, only my eye weren't willing to meet his, or anyone's for that matter.

My dad was missing. He was gone. And the worst part? I don't know if he is even still breathing.

Is this the worlds payback for me doing this to him? I had a reason, but I knew it was wrong... but it wasn't exactly in my hands. Then again, nothing ever is anymore.

Everyone was still staring at me. I knew it, but I chose to ignore it and only stare at the TV, my face flushed as I do so.

They had been staring at me ever since the TV made the shocking announcement. They have been silent too aside from scolding Damian for his comment about losing a lead.

They only real things I chose to pay attention to in this moment was the flashing words on the TV and the hand that was currently trying to smooth out my fists.

I feel a strong pain in my chest as it tightens like a string being wrapped around and around a finger, cutting off my circulation of air. My head feels as if I have hit a road block and I can't figure out a away around it.

He is gone.

She is gone.

Jason's fingers slowly match up with mine until my hand is completely relaxed against his palm. Despite not showing it, it somehow was more comforting than anything he could have said to me.

I doubt anyone even saw him do it. He moved closer to me as soon as he realized what had happened and I was now currently separated from the others by an island in the middle of the kitchen. The only one who could have seen was Bruce, and I don't really care at the moment if he saw or not.

What I cared about was the fact that my father was gone and I wanted to block out all of the images flashing through my mind.

I press my palm into Jason's as a way to distract myself, but it didn't work. Because my dad, the only partly sane person with blood relation to me, was gone. And I had no freaking clue how to deal with it.

Part of me wanted to cry right then and there; just break down and feel sorry for myself. The other part wanted to scream and punch something, to do anything to get him back. But that's the problem; I have no clue if he is even alive.

I didn't know what to do and I am pretty sure no one else did either.

I hear distant knock on the door, and Alfred excusing himself to go answer as he mutters something about mail.

"Hazel, maybe we should just turn off the TV." Jason says, his free hand reaching for the remote that Alfred set down.

"No, I want hear inc-"

"Miss Hazel... I think it was for you."

I turn as Alfred's concerned voice calls out to me. And there he is; my father, who was looking just fine, not a single hair out of place.

"Hazel." He says, straightening up before he starts walking towards me.

I immediately back away, looking up one hand as I do so, telling him to stop.

He does as I wanted, his expression looking slightly deflated as he studies everyone before he looks back to me, "Hazel..."

My fist clench at their own accord as I feel anger and pain boil up inside of me. Why? Because he freaking knew what that news report would do to me. And he thought it would make me relieved to see him; so relieved that I would forget about everything that has been happening.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now