•Chapter 8•

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Two days in a row that I wake up with a surprise. And each one involved Jason.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the light, my eyes fell on to his figure next to the window.

I give him a small smile before it slowly fades it a frown as I realize exactly what he is doing by the window.

The window is open, the winter wind blowing his hair all around the place as one of his legs hangs out the window, the other still in the apartment.

That wasn't what made the frown though. It was the packed bag that was sitting next to him.


"I can explain."

I slowly stand up, my eyes still looking at the bag wearily. "Explain then,"I say a little force fully.

He was just going to leave me. He wasn't going to tell me he was leaving. He wasn't going to stay and help me or keep my alive and safe. He wasn't going to keep his promises.

His face just blank for a second,"No one ever actually believes I have an explanation. I don't have anything, I never get this far."

"I wonder why they don't believe you." I cross my arms over my chest defensively,"Maybe I can give you an explanation; you were going to leave without saying anything."

He looks at my figure, his expression becoming a guilty one,"Well-"

"Well, what? You weren't going to leave me here without any way to get home? Jason, I don't even know where we are!" I say, my voice raising a little.

He suddenly straightens up, swing his leg back into the room with step towards me.

I take a few steps back to keep the distance between us. As I do so, the panic on his face increases.

"Come here."

"What?" My eyebrows draw together as I stare him down, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Come. Here." He says slower this time with the same demanding tone, only quieter than the first time.

His steps are slow as if he is worried that moving to fast will scare me and I will run way. He is worried something is going to happen if he moves to far.

But I'm not a scared lamb, I am upset and I want to know why he tried to leave.

"You think you can just boss me around after you were going to leave me?" I step away from him as he tries to close the distance between us,"You lied to me!"

He stops, the panic on his face mixing in with guilt, but it is wiped away as fast as it set in. "Hazel, come here!" He moves faster now, almost running to me.

I look at him in confusion and concern. But before I can ask him what is wrong, I find out the hard way.

Air rushes over my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. The force of it throws me forwards, and I hit the ground, but I don't feel it. Splinters pierce my skin and a ringing fills my ears. Most importantly, I feel the back of my head throbbing in pain.

And the last thing I heard was my name before the room stopped spinning and started fading.

<hours later>

"I told you there was a girl at his apartment!"

"How were we supposed to know you weren't hallucinating? You didn't exactly get a lot of sleep this week. Or last week. Or the last wee-"

"And we wouldn't expect you to actually be helpful out in the field, Drake."


"It's true."

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now