•Chapter 10•

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The room wasn't exactly what I was expecting. With a large open space between the king size bed and the large desk, it was already majorly different from my apartment room.

My first apartment wasn't a lot considering it was only for one person. But it was simple and cute and I loved it. That was until I found it nicer to be closer to my dad. But I still have the apartment, and I still live there. I just find myself spending more time at my dad's rather than my own.

But this? This room was large and spacey just like the rest of the house.

I slowly walk deeper into the room before I sit on the bed, immediately slipping down into the mattress.

I frown as I lay down, covering up into the large bed. It's nothing like my apartment. But I can't even remember what I felt like in there. What I can tell is how different it is from the couch that I have been sleeping on for the past week.

That couch was small, tough and cozy. This bed is big, fluffy and empty.

Shaking my head, I quickly turn over and attempt to get myself to fall asleep in an unfamiliar room. In an unfamiliar house. With unfamiliar people.


A sound from the door is what finally gets me to get up.

I have been hiding out in his room since last night. It's now past noon according to the clock on the desk.

The knocking continues to get louder, making me groan as I roll of off the bed and move to open the door.

"Jason, I don't want to talk to-" I stop mid-sentence as I stare up at Dick and Tim and then look down to Damian behind the two with a sour look on his face.

I am a little taken about for multiple reasons. One being the face that none of them were wearing anything resembling a superhero suit. They were all in casual clothes, their different shades of blue eyes each staring at me. The second reason was that Jason was no where to be seen.

Dick grins as he leans on the door,"Why don't you want to talk to Jay Jay?"

"Uhh...Where is Jason?" I ask, leaning back into my room.

"Went out. He told us to watch over you."

"I don't think he did..." I say, making his eyebrows shoot up as I continue,"He told me to never be alone with any of you. Let alone all of you." Which makes me wonder why he thought it was a good idea to leave me in a house with them, but I won't have an answer until he gets back.

"Why would he say that?" They all collectively grin at me, making my eyes widen as I start to shut the door.

"I don't know. Listen, I'm really tired and-"

The door comes to a hilt as Tim sticks his foot in the door just as Dick is pulling the door back open,"You slept a lot. And it's good to get fresh air after a concussion."


"Come on, the only one of us that bites is Damian, and we have a leash for him. You can go out and walk him with us." Tim says with a satisfied look on his face as Damian's face turns red.

My eyes widen as Damian jumps on top of Tim will ease, taking him to the floor where they start punching and clawing at each other.

"Hey, you guys are scaring her!" Dick glares as he tries to break up the fight.

After a few more moments, his expression shifts to a serious one as he barks in an authoritative tone,"Get up you two! Now."

Tim immediately stops fighting, seeing the serious look he is giving them. I can only imagine it being the look he uses to talk to other superheroes when he is ordering them to do something.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now