•Chapter 9•

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To say that it was easy to understand them would be a lie.

One minutes they look angry and then the next they treat each other like family. You know, ruffling each other's hair and teasing each other while the dad scolds them. Only, the small one looks like he is going to kill Jason and that kind of concerns me.

After all, I am back where I started; stuck in a room with someone I don't know. Well, in this case, people I don't know.

And the dad looks more than mad. He is just about to open his mouth when I hear another unfamiliar voice break through all of the shouting.

"If you would all stop screaming like hooligans then maybe, perhaps, you might hear what Miss Hazel has to say." A voice with a thick British accent calls out from what I can only guess are stairs.

"Alfred, what are you doing down here?" Dick asks, still looking amused with all that is happening.

"You shouldn't be down here when a civilian is." Batman barks, causing all of the attention to be drawn back to me.

It's hard to believe that Bruce Wayne, playboy billionaire, is this man standing in front of me, glaring at everything that dares to move.

"From the looks of it, it would not matter if I were upstairs or down here. If she is trustworthy enough to know Master Jason's identity then she is trustworthy enough to know mine."

I bite the inside of my lip. If only he knew the only reason I knew who Jason was was because he was in pain. But he did give me his name. It may have been to get even with me, but it still kind of counts.

The older man looks toward Dick with a slight smirk,"Besides, Master Dick has already given away my secret identity." He looks back to me and smiles,"I am Alfred, as you already know. How about we check out that shoulder and head of yours?"

I am taken aback at how formal he is, but also at how kind he is to me.

"Umm...sure." I gather a smile for him and follow him back into the place I had just escaped from.

"I see that you did not harm yourself with the IV." He says eyeing my wrist.

I look down at it, the blood now dry from when it had first been taken out,"I studied to be a doctor."

"I assume that you are the one that Master Jason went to? For his injuries?" He asks, already seemingly knowing the answer.

"He didn't really have a choice..." I trail off before explaining myself,"He didn't know I knew anything about the medical field. And he didn't go to me. He went to his apartment and I saw him and sort of demanded that I would help him."

"Hmm." He hums in reply as if it was very interesting that he let me help him. "And how long have you been staying in Master Jason's apartment? That is if you do not mind me asking, Miss Hazel."

I didn't realize how it sounded to everyone until I saw the expression on his face as he questioned me.

My hands grasp each other as I look away,"I don't really know... A week?" That's what the TV said at least.

He looked at me, his eyebrows raised in astonishment,"You do not know how long?"

"Well...I sort of was knocked out when I first got there and I don't really know how long I was out...I never thought to ask." I admit sheepishly.

I sound like an idiot. Who gets knocked unconscious and doesn't ask how long they have been out? That's the first thing out of everyone's mouth in the movies.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now