•Chapter 18•

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As soon as we opened the door, the shouting from within caused us to share a look. Mine was of wonder and Tim's was of exhaustion.

"Of course." He mutters as he shuts the door behind us.

Alfred walked in before us, the voices dying down slightly as he did so.

"Where is Hazel?" Jason's voice cuts through the others causing a slight smile to make its saw onto my face.

"Here." I pipe up as I walk into the room, Tim in tow behind me.

Jason's eyes study us, making me look to Tim who's face was flushed due to the sudden warmth of the house. Now that I think about it, I feel my own cheeks warming up to the manor's temperature.

"You took her out for coffee?" Jason questions with a voice full of confusion as he raises one eyebrow and crosses his arms over his chest.

"What?! No-well, yeah. In a way." Tim stutters slightly and the smoothly replies, "It was her idea. She wanted to get out of the house and when she mentioned coffee-"

"You're such a sellout for coffee. Aren't you, Timmy?" Jason says ruffling Tim's hair teasingly.

"No, I-"

"Seriously, I think you are more whipped for coffee than Dick is for Brooklyn." Jason says pointing to the two behind them.

Brooklyn looks up at Jason with a slight glare as Dick grins and wraps his arms around her, "Impossible."

"No one wants to see that, Grayson. Not even Brooklyn." Damian says not looking up from the newspaper he is certainly reading.

Brooklyn, who had looked slightly uncomfortable before now, simply countered both of them by silently burying her head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm not sure if my point was made or not." Jason mutters as he watches the two before turning back two us, "Why do you have so many drinks?"

"We got one for everyone." I say with a smile as he raises his eyebrow at my answer. "We got two teas for Damian and Alfred, two coffees with cream and sugar for Brooklyn and Dick, two plain, black coffees for Bruce and Tim, and two hot chocolates for you and I." I steal a glance at Tim to make sure I had the order right.

When he nods, I smile satisfied and look back to Jason.

"What about Babs?" He questions.

Babs? Barbara?

"We got her a black coffee in case she comes today. If she does then we can let her use cream and sugar and if not then it's my second cup of the day." Tim fills in as he sips his cup.

"Hmm." He hums in response as he steps towards me and starts to take the drink carrier out of my hands.


He shoos me and continues to take them out of my hands, causing me to follow him to the table.

"So, Dick, You get the black coffee-"

"Cream and sugar-" I interrupt, taking his and Brooke's to them, making sure Brooke got the stronger of the two.

"And Tim got the tea-"

"Tim literally already has his." I say trying to stop him from passing them out.

"Damian got the black coffee." He says handing Damian the cup to which I promptly took away as soon as Jason moved and replaced it with his tea.

"Thank you." Damian nods in a sort of respectful way.

I smile in response and hurry back to Jason's side as soon as I realized that he is trying to give Bruce tea.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now