•Chapter 30•

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"Sometimes it all gets a little too much..."
- Shawn Mendes


My head pounds furiously as I lift my head up to see the damage.

I'm not exactly sure what happened. All I know is that Mark isn't who he said he was, and that Jason's death grip on me is slightly crushing my wrist.

"Bruce, we need to stop that guy that just walked out." Jason says into his communicator, just as I catch a glimpse of a pack of very suspicious looking men in black.

What gave them away? The weapons they were caring as everyone scattered away to try to help those that got caught in the blast.


"We've got them." Brooke says glaring at the men, the girls behind her all looking determined, and Artemis looking very close to killing someone.

Guilt pools in my stomach as I realize that they would have had a perfectly normal wedding if I hadn't attended.


The groom practically picks her up in the middle of the chaos, hugging her as he makes sure she is ok. She nods to him, whispering lowly in his ear, seemingly trying to calm him down.

"Take her out of here, they almost have the fire put out." Barbara says nodding to Aquaman, who is successfully putting out the fire.

Jason nods, glancing at me worriedly before standing us up and drags me to the exit.

My eyes catch others frantically trying to find a way out of the almost burned room, many of them with cuts and bruises from fallen debris.

And it's all my fault.

He pushes the door open, but my eyes find a sight I wish I wouldn't ever have to see again.

Aside from almost everyone being somewhat ok, a red hair woman, no doubt related to the groom, was laying on the floor as she clutched her thigh, an alarmingly large piece of thick glass sticking out of it. And blood. A lot of red blood ruining her dress.

"Jason-" I cut myself off, prying my wrist out of his grip before running towards the lady, just as someone tries to pick her up. "Stop!" I hear someone shout, only to realize that it's me.

Why? Because that glass is practically the only thing keeping her from bleeding out, and I don't know if I can handle that sort of guilt or pain for another family. No one should have to go through that.

The man stopped, his eyes full of desperation as he questions, "Stop? We need to get her to the hospital. I can run her there."

"No, you can't." I say quickly, putting together that his must be her husband as well as the Flash. I find my eyes only on her as I say,"That glass is too deep, and you could do more damage moving her..." I trail of hesitantly before I move my eyes to meet his petrified ones."If you give me permission, I may be able to help."

His eyes shift to two twins at his feet, both of them clutching their father's legs, watching the scene in front of them causing my chest to tighten.

"Can't we just take the glass out?" He questions, covering the children's eyes, pain evident in his own as he does this.

"No, the glass is the only thing keeping her blood in her thigh; the pressure from the glass is stopping the bleeding, which means that I have to make more pressure in order to be able to take it out and seal the wound." I explain quickly, almost robotically, emotion void from my voice because I am not even sure if I am living this right now. Living this again.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now