•Chapter 23•

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"I'm a jerk, aren't I?" I say after sitting down next to Tim.

He was hiding way in the Batcave, everyone else seemingly out or in their rooms. Alfred and my father were upstairs which is why I came down to the Cave as soon as I finished lunch.

Tim jumps at my sudden words before he looks at me nervously, "This is a trick?"

"No." I say before I explain, "I mean I was a jerk last night."

After I had gone up to bed, I couldn't sleep because I knew that my father was just trying to get me to warm up to him again. I think we both know that I will forgive him, but I am the only one who seems to know that it's not going to be soon. I just can't bring myself to forgive him, but I can't bring myself to hate him either.

Tim's eyes soften with understanding as he says, "You weren't a jerk. You were going through something. You are going through something."

"Yeah, but I dragged you all into it." I mutter as I rethink the events from last night.

"Trust me when I say we all understand." Tim says with a chuckle, "We all have had our fair share of parent issues."

"I know Damian has a weird past... and I know Dick and Jason's as a summary... is it pushy to ask you about yours?" I questions hesitantly. He is the only one that I think would actually give me a straight answer despite being uncomfortable about it. Jason has been pretty straightforward with everything that I have asked, but I know there is some things that he doesn't want to talk about yet and I don't know Dick too well, so I doubt that he would tell me.

He seems shocked before he recovers and says, "Well, my parents were targeted." He starts before it his words seem to truly set in and he goes quiet.

"You don't have to tell me. Not right now." I say stopping him before he can even go on.

He smiles gratefully, before he turns to the computer again, "Have you seen any of the others?"

"No, I figured everyone was still asleep or out." I say as I look at the screen.

"They are probably getting ready for tonight." He hummus out as he starts to type something in.

"What's tonight?" I question, causing his eyes to snap to me.

"We are making a move on Black Mask..." He says trailing off before adding, "Jason didn't tell you?"

I look away from his gaze as I answer, "No, he didn't." Guess he isn't as forthcoming as I thought he was with me.

Tim must have sensed my mood change because he gives me a reassuring smile and says, "He probably just forgot to tell you. We talked about it when you got back yesterday."

That just means he purposely didn't talk about it around me, which doesn't make me feel reassured at all.

"Forgot about what?"

Speak of the devil.

"Oof, can I leave?" Tim questions as Jason walks in, looking between us rather uncomfortably.

"Am I in trouble?" Jason says looking between us.

"No." I say just as Tim says, "Yes."

Jason gives up on Tim, and only looks at me, "What did I do?"


"You didn't tell her about the plan." Tim blurts out as he practically runs out of the Cave.

I sigh out as I stare at the idiot running away from nothing. I mean, yeah, I wish Jason would have told me, but I'm not going to go ballistic on him. At least not yet.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now