•Chapter 38•

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He lied. She wasn't here.

And I am about to kill him for it.

He grins at my clenched fists, which were tied together in a tight rope and cutting through my skin painfully.

But I didn't care. I only care about blowing a shot through this man's-

" Patience, my friend. Your little friend is on her way." He says with a smile. "I can't wait to bond with my only niece. I hope she thinks I am the cool uncle. Perhaps we can even become the best of friends..." he trails off, smirking as my body tenses and pushes agains my binds.

"You even look at her and I'll-"

"You'll what?" He grins before clearing his throat. "Jason, I know we have had the conversation before, but you remind me a lot of my young self... determined, courageous, hand-"

"A psychotic bi-" I cut him off, but he only continues, causing the restraints to feel even tighter than they were before.

I just need her to be as far was from here as possible. Then it will be ok.

I really hope Jason is okay. And I really hope I'm not just being stupid and falling into a trap. 

Or should I say fell, because the stiff, cold chains that are strapping me to the chair tell me that it's way too late to even think about what-ifs.

I have been here for a few minutes, which I think is weird considering that it seems my Uncle really wanted me here. And the fact that his goons tied me up and set me on a chair, rather roughly, and told me that if I even move then they will harm me doesn't exactly scream 'this is a casual meeting that I can be late for'.

Then again, I don't actually want to meet him... but I do want Jason back.

His laugh fills the air and makes me flinch as the sound echoes in the dark room.

I guess he wanted to make an entrance...

He steps into view and I am taken-a-back by the figure in front of me. His boney, black head was the first thing I noticed in contrast to his white, silk suit.

A smile grows on his face as he studies my expression. "My dear, did you really think I would kill you to get back at the Red Hood?" He huffs as if the very thought was ridiculous, stepping closer to me.

"It seems to be your style of evil." I say through my teeth as I squirm under his gaze, his steps echoing and sending panicking waves through my body with every 'clack'.

"You have it all wrong. I don't want to punish Red. I want him to comply." He explains, causing my eyebrows to draw together at his words. His eyes light up as he sees my confusion, leading him to continue. "Gotham deserves a good man to take over in my absence, and now that I have you, it will be much easier to persuade him to believe the same thing."

This is definitely not what I expected. "So you are going to hurt me?" I question.

"If necessary." Black Mask says so causally that it was almost as if he had said something as normal as how sunny it was today.

Something stirs in me as his words fully register. "Then you don't know your Protégé." I spit out, my fearful gaze turning to a glare. "If you hurt me, it won't make him comply, it will make him angry. And we both know how he acts when he is angry."

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now