•Chapter 17•

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Knocking. Knocking is what woke me up. Why? Well, ask the very tired looking Tim Drake standing in front of me.

"Sorry to wake you... I figured I should tell you now and then get sleep." He says, the dark bags under his eyes practically growing by the minute, "Jason left again on patrol so he wanted you to stay with me and not Demon Spawn. Can't imagine why." He huffs sarcastically.

I frown as I repeat what he said, "Jason left again? On patrol?"

"Yup." He nods and then looks to the side from a few seconds, his face getting slightly red, "Are you anxious?"

"Considering that I just took a bullet out of him; yes, yes I am." I admit, crossing my arms over my chest. His uncomfortable state makes me uncomfortable I realize as I shift my weight to my left hip.

"Mind telling me why I have to hug you?" He murmurs awkwardly.

"What?" I question, my eyebrows drawing together in confusion.

"Jason told me to give you a hug if you were feeling anxious. I tried to ask him why, but all he said was it would calm you down. Is there a reason it's hugs or..." He trails off before adding in a slightly panicked voice,"Do you need a hug, now? I can call Dick, but I don't know how Brooke will take it."

"No, I'm fine." I stop his rambling and say, "Why don't you get some sleep? I won't do anything until you have had at least a few hours of sleep." He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off with, "I promise. Now, go."

He huffs, but doesn't say no as he turns and walks back to his room, his face still a light shade of red.

I slowly shut the door, a slight creak sounding out, giving away its older age.

Well, I guess that explains the hugging last night; he was trying to get me to calm down. I don't even know how he knew it would help, but I guess it did work. At least my heart rate went down.

But this also makes me upset, because he knows that I am going to freak out and he still goes without telling me what's happening. Why can't he just stay here and explain what happened yesterday instead of getting into more danger?

I sigh and lay back down, also needing more sleep myself. But I doubt I will be able to get any, now. Not with a certain raven-haired boy running around Gotham like he is invincible.


Once again; knocking. Not like I could be woken up though. I couldn't even get a minute's worth of sleep. Why? Because I am very worried that Jason is going to think he is invincible and then find out he isn't in the worst way possible.

"Hazel! I am ready for whatever you want to do. Who knew naps could give you bursts of energy?" He says, his fists still drumming against the door.

"Tim, hold on!" I shout over the noise as I quickly get changed.

When I finally open the door, his hands freeze and finally stop knocking.

"What do you want to do?" He questions noticing my clothing.

"We should go out! It's been forever since I've walked around in Gotham." I smile innocently, hoping that he won't shut down the idea.

"You're a missing and wanted person." He deadpans, his eyes looking dully at me as if he were realizing that this job was going to be harder than he thought.

"I could wear sunglasses." My hands clasp behind my back as I continue, "Come on, its one trip into town. And I'm technically not a missing person anymore; my dad kind of has a vague idea of where I am..." I trail off as his eyes sharpen into a slight glare.

dove in the darkness ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ⋘ jason todd ⋙Where stories live. Discover now