Chapter Eight

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The others caught up to him and were met by a large wall of shields with the Champion's emblem etched into the metal

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The others caught up to him and were met by a large wall of shields with the Champion's emblem etched into the metal. The people holding the shields stood like statues with eyes stared seemed to stare through the group.

Eko found it cool while the others were a bit overwhelmed by it.

Rising over the top of them was the old woman, the one Eko and Nira had seen, sitting on a bamboo throne with her hood hanging low over her eyes. Eko and Nira each stepped forwards and waved her to with a greeting, "Hello again!"

The woman barely acknowledged them, prompting Eko to attempt yelling, only for Nira to put a hand over his face to hush. Eko noticed the tension forced by these men and frowned, "Umm... what's happening?" Eko asked looking for someone for confirmation.

When the four stood together, the woman spoke in a loud, booming voice, very different from her frail exterior. "This area is restricted to all but applicants of the Champion's Exam, give me proof to let you continue," she demanded.

"Proof?" Zakora asked.

"What kind of proof?" Waldo asked, "Our Champ bags?"

The woman didn't elaborate, just repeated what she said, demanding to know if they were Champion applicants and to provide proof. Waldo kept yelling that they had Champ Bags, but the woman wouldn't allow him to pass with a Champ Bag. "What more proof do you need?!" he yelled.

"Anyone can steal another's Champ Bag," she informed, "I shall not allow you to proceed unless you show me proof that you are worthy of being Champions."

"I have something!" someone called.

The four looked behind them to realise they had been followed by another man. He was a short man, unshaven, rustic face and puffy pants and a jacket. Slumped over his shoulder was a Champ Bag and hanging from his belt were several different trinkets, one being a strange badge with the Champion's symbol on it. He smirked as he approached the wall of shields and held it out for someone to take.

The old woman leaned forwards, running her fingers over the symbol. "What is that?" Zakora asked.

"Champ Bags can be stolen, so the captains provide an object that's unique to themselves to prove that an applicant is allowed to take the exam," he said. "No trinkets, no proof, no acceptance." The way he spoke was cocky, over confident in what he was saying. The old woman passed it back to the man.

"Answer me a question; there are two people, a mother and a child. You can only save one, what one should you save?"

The man thought about this for a moment, Zakora and Waldo each perplexed by the question, but the man answered it with ease. "My mother. Because you never said anything about it being my kid, and kids aren't impossible to replace. Your own mother can be."

Eko stood in front of Nira after hearing this statement, but Waldo and Zakora seemed more horrified by the answer. "What?!" Waldo seemed out of his mind frustrated. What frustrated him more was what followed.

The Champion's Exam (On Hold Until Further Notice)Where stories live. Discover now