Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jackson looked over to the Examiner, wondering what was taking so long for them to continue. The man looked like he was waiting. Was someone else coming? Did they need to wait for something or someone? 

Pete the Examiner opened his watch, took a moment's glance and closed it. "Follow me applicants," his announcement was met with groans of dismay. He smiled, "I assure you, this is just a walk to our destination, your trials with me are complete. I must now deliver you safe and sound to your next Examiner."

Everyone followed obediently, trudging behind the man in obvious exhaustion.

Eko looked to the sky, clear of mist and fog, he saw the sun sit low in the sky, the beginnings of dusk. "What time do you think it is?" Nira asked, looking to the sky too.

Zakora answered. "I'd say late afternoon. Well before evening though," he stated, "I'd say another two hours of sunlight left before it gets dark."

Nira groaned slightly, slouching forwards as she walked, "I'm getting tired." Her grumbles fell upon deaf ears.

Jackson was a step ahead of them, barely unable to hide his smirk. His longest record for going without sleep was a week and four days, nothing compared to his father or his eldest sister, whom reigned as champions in his family with over a month and mere minutes under. He pondered whether exhaustion was a part of the exam also, but was quick to dismiss it from his thoughts, deciding to change the subject. "What do you suppose the next trial will be?"

Waldo chimed in, "I reckon some sort of combat."

Eko gulped subtly. "I hope it doesn't come to that..." he confessed.

Nira frowned, "You do realise we'll probably end up fighting each other Eko."

Eko seemed startled by the facts. Zakora agreed with Nira. "Did you think we'd go through the exams without duelling?" Zakora hid his shock at Eko's naivety very well, but couldn't prevent his eyes from glimmering a quick shade of light blue.

Eko walked on uncomfortable, awkwardly smoothing down his hair as he searched for the words to answer with. "The odds are we will all have to fight each other, Eko," Nira said, "Not to the death obviously, but I'd imagine it would be expected of applicants to know how to fight." Nira spoke calmly, but felt sick at the prospect of fighting some of these people, especially if she had to fight her friends. "Like imagine a Champion who doesn't know how to fight."

Eko's mind wandered to such thoughts, imagining various ways of avoiding fighting, most scenarios involving retreating, negotiating or dying. As each situation played in his head, a different facial expression featured on his face.

The applicants walked down a pathway framed by the trees of the surrounding forest. While out of the fog, the bush was so dense many could hardly see through it. Nira jogged forwards to walk by Pete and attempted talking to him, "Where are we walking to, sir?" she asked.

The Examiner flashed her a smile, happy to have someone to talk to as they walked. "To the next trial, girl. I need to pass you all onto a different examiner."

"What kind of trial will they be examining?" Nira pondered.

Pete chuckled, "I can't tell you that, my dear. She'll explain it to all of you when we arrive."

"The examiner's a girl?" Nira didn't know why, but she was surprised there was a female examiner.

Pete nodded. "Of course. Girls make up over half of adult Champions," he explained, "Granted, every one in four go on to be Examiners, but I feel that's more a reflection of old duds like me."

Nira had heard the term 'old duds', it often referenced an older person. Back on Emerald Island there were many ways to say old person; old man, elderly, old fuddy-duddy, ancient bat, oldster, old-timer, old fogey and everything as offensive or more offensive. She examined Examiner Pete, acknowledging his sleek brown hair, proud posture and the delicacy he took towards his appearance. It was hardly the efforts of an old man.

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