Chapter 2: Slow memories

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People would say the dark can be scary due to monsters appear more Often-ly in the land of Ooo. One everyone was home where they were safe (m/n) started looking around and saw a little electronic device walking
"What is that?" Asked M/n as he saw the blue things
"I'm Bmo!" The device said in such a cute tone
"Forgive me, i didn't know exactly what you are. You're pretty rare since i never seen anything like you... i don't remember anything to be exact" m/n said with disappointment
"Oh its okay Sir, Finn and Jake will find your memory" Bmo said in such a happy tone
"Yeah bro! Are main task is to find who and where you are from!" Jake said with excitement.
"Thank you so much" m/b replied as Finn was mostly blushing.
"You must be hungry uh... how about i try to make something" Finn affaire
"Dude are you sure you can cook?" Jake said jokingly.
They both heard a cute little giggle that came from m/n.
"Jake!" Finn called as he was embarrassed.
He then went to the kitchen to cook things
"come on M/n! I'll show you were you can sleep!" Jake smiled and went to Finn and his bedroom.
"Ta-Da!" Jake presented
"I love it, does this mean that i sleep with both of you?" M/n asked as Jake notice that Finn only had one bed.
"Oh... um... didn't really think of that... but you an Finn can sleep in the couch if he doesn't mind" Jake said
"Very well" m/n replied
"Man you sound like a prince..." Jake chuckled.
M/n then felt weak and nob. He collapsed
Jake was taken by surprised that he panicked and called Finn for help

(Your POV)

A melody was heard. I looked around as i saw something. A white light
"M/n... you have such a beautiful voice and your song held my child, thank you" a woman said as she had her child next to her healthy and alive. I'm confused... whats going on?
I saw myself seeing that i had white clothing a kimono of some type. My hair was a bit longer. Eyes that show that i was pure. A smile that was so innocent.
I saw a little girl. She was pink and had beautiful pink hair. A young lemon man who was nice and kind came to the figure that looked like me and asked
"Please, heal the princess so she can be the Beauty of her kingdom and a sweet personality" the lemon asked
"I will heal her from her sickness as long as you return something for me" i said with such a voice that called demand
"Yes, anything for you, your highness" he said
"I want you to bring an empty jar of candy and a flower" i said to him
the lemon nodded. All of sudden i saw that i was singing seeing that the girl was healing, her hair was pink and bright. She had a gown on her instead of her nightgown. Everything then turned black
Slowly waking up i notice that Finn and Jake were already asleep.
I looked out the window and saw everything, i notice the place where that little dream was taken place... or was it a memory?

To be continued

▻The Lost Prince (Adventure Time X Male Reader) [mostly Finn x Reader]◅Where stories live. Discover now