Chapter 13: Peace with Spade

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Finn told the story to everyone with full details yet the shadow that had the image of M/n didn't want to listen because he didn't want to hear that the love of his life was taking the role of someone with a dark heart, but it made sense, Finn wasn't even born on that day when everything happened. Both the dark one and m/n understood that they were greedy to begin with.

"How did you find out?" Asked the dark one.

Finn fidget with his hand looking down

"While my way there I saw the stone of The snow princess. I saw how she was like frozen in time and here eyes seemed full of regret of something. I then asked Emerald and Noir about the back story of both the Spades and Hearts kingdom, i saw a broken jar and a dead flower near it. It gave a signal that the broken jar had something sweet and pure containing meaning that the snow princess wasn't fully evil at first," Finn said as he gave the topic of the Broken jar.

"Then there was a flower witch is pure and the broken jar had it in, the pure was lose meaning that the Snow princess wanted to or I believe she wanted to leave her mom because she was being too possessive. The dead flower means that it was too late and that she chose what she wanted," Finn finished off.

Both the dark one and m/n looked at each other and nodded because it was true, they both played a role and they had a other role where they almost destroyed their own people that trusted them.

"You seemed half smart then I thought you would," Bubblegum said with a smile

"I am aren't i... hey!" Finn yelled in embarrassment

Jake chuckled as he saw the scene unfold in his eyes. Both M/n and the shadow smiled.

"M/n... it's partly both of our faults and I'm partly sorry" said the shadow as he slowly started to transformed to his original body instead of m/n body shaped.

Jihyun's body was all muscular but slim enough to pass as a singer or a famous pop star. He has amazing looks and curly soft curl bangs on the front of his face and his pale face made his pink half red lips stand out. His eyes were slightly dark around probably due to lack of sleep. M/n could not lie that he kinda liked him because Jihyun was showing his true colors. Jihyun reached his hand out to shake m/n's hand to be insure that both sides were okay and that they had just a small mistake made from someone. M/n slapped Jihyun's hand and hugged him instead to know that they both are good and they can still be friends, Jihyun was shocked but hugged back either way, Finn on the other hand had his face red and growled lowly as he saw m/n hugging Jihyun as if they were dating or something.

"Is my bro jelly?" Jake teased.

"What? No! Of course not! What makes you say that?" Finn asked as he crossed his arms and looked away from Jake.

"My bro is jelly in a peanut butter sandwich!" Jake called out as he stretched his arms making a swiggly look.

"Shut up dude, he looks happy either way. We finished an adventure so it's over" Finn sighed as he looked at M/n with a sad eye.

"Well dude you guys can still hang out-"

"Jake it's over, what's next? Him going back to where he ruled and be king," Finn looked down and walked away.

Jake looked down as his brother was upset and reminder of the break up of both Princess bubble gum (rejecting him) and Flame princess  not wanting to be with him anymore due to some complications, He followed Finn out.

Emerald and Noir grouped hug both M/n and Jihyun.

"We thought we would never see you again!" Emerald smiled

▻The Lost Prince (Adventure Time X Male Reader) [mostly Finn x Reader]◅Where stories live. Discover now