Chapter 10: what truth

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The light flashed and the Shadow no longer had Jake and Finn captured. He disappeared and Princess Bubblegum was holding M/n for comfort after the bright light and M/n was holding Bubblegum to keep or make her feel safe.
"No no no no!... you all distort everything!" The dark one growled as M/n slowly stood up.
"Especially you!" The dark one growled as he took a sword and ran to M/n.
M/n pushed the princess aside so she wouldn't get hurt and blocked the hits with the broken mirror and started to get worried.
"Stop! Please we can talk about this!" M/n called out
"Talk about?!" He made another hit
"There is nothing to talk about!" The dark one did another hit
"You destroyed everything!!" He hit again
"YOU TOOK AWAY MY LIFE!!" He aimed M/n lower side cause pain but missed as he only slashed his side leaving a bloody mark. And staining M/n white outfit into blood and dirt on him.

Emerald and Noir got into the kingdom and saw that it was the old kingdom of the prince of spades and followed the trail to the castle. Once they got there they saw the guards passed out.
"Ladies first" Noir mumbled
"What a gentleman" Emerald snarled
They both walked in and heard a sword hitting something silver and growls along with yelling.
They ran and saw both the prince fighting with himself?

As the dark one and m/n fought Princess Bubblegum ran to Finn and Jake who were still blinded from the bright light that was in-front of their faces.
"Finn, Jake.. please be okay, wake up we need to help M/n!" PB called out worried
Finn opened his eyes and saw that the dark one and M/n were fighting.
"Princess!..." Finn called out
Emerald and Noir ran to them
"Noir! Emerald!" Finn was In shocked seeing them
"What is going on?" Emerald asked worried
"Well to but it in a summery, m/n is fighting a guy who took m/n body and trying not to die saying that m/n took his kingdom" Princess Bubblegum summarized.
"Well something seems off, this is the kingdom of the prince of spades" Noir said
"Kingdom?... spades?" Finn questioned and then looked down
"Princess... kingdoms... spades and aces... away and betrayal... the snow princess and the two prince... and the broken Jar and dead flower... candy and Candy people... kingdoms! THATS IT!" Finn said as he now realized something.
"What?" PB asked
"It all makes sense now!" Finn smiled and stood up and saw that both M/n and the dark one were still fighting and the position of M/n not winning, he had the major bruises and cuts while the Dark one had small cuts and bruises. The dark one grabbed m/n by the collar and was ready to kill him in that same spot.
"WAIT!!!" Finn yelled.
Both M/n and the Dark one looked at him
"I know the truth!" Finn called out.
"What truth?" The dark one growled ready to threaten to kill m/n
"Hear me out, I know what happened and I know what can make you be at peace. M/n I know what can bring your memories back too, please both of you need to hear me out before killing each other" Finn said with a worried expression.
The dark one created a chain and a cell to contain M/n
"Fine, speak whatever you need to speak"
The dark one said as he looked at Finn.
Finn smiled and begin to talk
"Let's start from the beginning..." Finn smiled.

1) what do you think Finn will say?
2) figured the hints yet?
A Jar:
Contains something
Makes things sweet and a delicious treat
It depends which type was given because followers could have many meanings behind it

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