Chapter 15: Form now on

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As Finn, Jake, and m/n came to the pond they were greeted by The princess, Emerald and Noir. They were setting things up and started to do the part where the flowers were placed to unfreeze the people below m/n's home which is under the Lake. They didn't need a song because the feeling of love was strong, everyone out the flower on the lake and pushed it gently leading towards M/n as he was in the middle. Finn looked at his flower and back to M/n, he gave a small kiss to the flower and put it in he lake followed by a small push making all the pink flowers gather in the middle where m/n was. He started to use both of his hands and put it in his chest in the middle. He took so much power and made something glow where his hands where located. M/n took his hands away from his chest gently and slowly, he saw that it was a wishing orb; meaning that they could wish on something they truly want and it will last another year to make an orb of wishes.

"I wish to unfreeze the people who suffered and let them live fully without the ice blocking their life, making everything and Jihyun's and my kingdom come back so everyone has their homes back along with my throne where I belong." M/n said as he blew on the orb.

The orb was then passed splitting into many pieces and made a huge light making everyone close their eyes from the bright light.

The light was then lowered down and everyone from the wedding was unfrozen, groans from pain and there was a crack, the crack of stone that everyone wished they didn't hear. Everyone was in full pieces and alive.

"Where am I? What's going on?" Asked a Ball of Bubblegum.

"Oh my, my dress is dirty" Said a woman with a beautiful gown and her elf ears along with a tail of a cat.

"Mommy?" Asked a little girl with horns and sharp teeth.

Everyone was awaken from the slumber that the snow princess casted on them.

"My prince!" Said a cat who looked like Noir But more elegant looking.

Everyone gasped and bowed down. A Crack was then heard again and a bright light sparked. A feminine gasped was heard and a wedding dress could be seen, the Snow princess was unfrozen from her stone slumber. She was supposed to die but how is she still there, it made sense. The princess was dead but needed to go to the after life.

"M/n!... I thought you died!" The girl called out

"Snow princess.." M/n was a bit shocked but then looked at Finn for a minute.

Finn just turned around and looked away from M/n trying to not let his anger out on the royalty himself.

"My bride that was soon to be, I am alive but you aren't," M/n said.

"What do you mean?" Asked the snow princess.

"You died from sacrificing yourself, after your sins were forgiven you got the chance to move on," Said M/n without remorse or love in his words, they sounded empty.

"My sins?"

"Do you not remember? You poisoned the parents of your Ex boyfriend, you killed him by pretending to be me. Your sins were forgiven by a small act unless you rather suffer down here instead" M/n called out as everyone gasped.

They never knew the snow princess was that cruel to kick her out from living in the land of Ooo.

"I don't blame you thought, I also took a part in this sinful thing and you were just with the wrong parents to teach you what was right or wrong." M/n looked down as he heard sniffs from the princess.

The princess knew what she did and she cried because she never wanted it to happen. Her body was not in control and she was more abused from her mother to act like a queen and kill men who killed the same family of hers, she understood and didn't want to suffer through her own sins she committed. M/n reached his hand out to the princess, the princess never felt love, she had a cold heart to even be committed to something. M/n knew that she won't move on by just accepting death and he knew that he had to do something. M/n kissed the poor girl's forehead and looked at her.

"They will lead you to clean and be reborn, don't do the same mistake you did with this body." M/n said and the princess nodded as she was crying, she hugged m/n and so M/n hugged back because she was scared of death and she was scared to be known as the person with dark intensions when this whole time she was scared of herself.

M/n took her in the middle of the lake and everyone watched. He saw the night sky and back to the ex bride that he once loved. On the other hand Finn was angry about that small action of m/n did to the bride. M/n then saw a small orb going next to the Princess, it was the orb of Jihyun. Now m/n knew that Jihyun was going to help her on her walk to the next world. He smiled and saw another Orb that he didn't recognize. The two orbs were flashing lights and then a body was formed, Jihyun was seen with the most elegant outfit and a male with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked like Finn, that's when he noticed that it was the knight that helped m/n go to safety and the one who saved his life, the same knight that he loved back then. M/n smiled as the spirits were going to lead the princess to peace. M/n took a deep breath and started to sing a song that he heard from 5 men who went to war to never be seen again, he remember the lyrics just not the face and the males were sent to a portal last time her remember but one was missing his home while the others looked unsure but they singed to him as they took care of him when his mother passed away. So he sang the song that could bring his memories back and let the spirits to have their rest.

Once the song was finished the spirits singed with him and made the three bodies spread and go towards their resting place. Everyone looked at M/n as a light was then going through his chest and mind. The memories came back to him, he remembered everything, he saw the castle being rebuild like magic and the kingdom of Spades looking knew and clean.

"Everyone, I'm back home." Smiled M/n

Everyone cheered and yelled with Happiness.

▻The Lost Prince (Adventure Time X Male Reader) [mostly Finn x Reader]◅Where stories live. Discover now