Chapter 16: My new Life

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M/n was in his room as he saw everyone doing their normal routine, the mail man gave mail and the baker baked goods. Everyone was at ease, until a knock was heard from m/n door.

"Come In!" Called m/n.

The door was opened and revealed a male with blonde hair and slightly pale skin.

"M/n you want to go on an adventure with me?" The male asked.

"Sure, oh and I want to ask you something once we're done." Demanded M/n

The blonde young male nodded and exited the castle going back to his home. The blonde male would have a little sleep over once in a while with the prince and some other days he would sleep back home to take care of BMO and Neptr.

As both The blonde male and m/n finished with their adventure of friendship with a Elf and a Demon who literally wanted to kill each other for a stupid pie. Finn got a fun laugh thought because he did lots of π puns with it. Of course M/n did say he wanted to talk to the blonde, he ended up on one knee while Finn wasn't looking

"Finn, turn around," Said m/n.

"Ye-hold up!... no m/n stand up!" Finn called out freaking out.

"Finn, will you marry me?" Asked M/n.

The blonde male just smiled and teared up as he nodded. M/n stood up and took the ring from the box he was holding and slide the ring in Finns ring finger.


As the announcement was made for the wedding to be held soon, everyone was invited from different kingdoms and of course Finn being friends with almost everyone in the Land of Ooo. They both agreed to at least adopt Both BMO and Neptr who were the only things close to being a kid, as the wedding was bing held everyone dressed nicely and everyone took a role in the wedding. Who walked down as the bird was the real question, no one knew because everyone thought that M/n will be the groom role because it's literally his kingdom, sadly after a quick battle of Slap the donkey or a more appropriate way of saying is beat the person with the most pies thrown was the winner, of course M/n had no idea how to play so he sadly lost making Finn the winner. Boy did Finn had a dream of Toping everything, as Finn was walking down with the groom suit everyone started to giggle because the prince never worse a dress in his life. So everyone took their cameras and waited for the spacial day of being a princess for the wedding would come. The doors closed and the time was ready.

A wedding dress was covering the face of the prince mistaking him for a female. He was walking and his body wasn't muscular as everyone thought, his arms are slim having no muscles but he was sure strong when he wanted. Walking down the aisle while The prince simply pouted at the humiliation he was in.

The wedding was an enjoyment for everyone. They made m/n change from the dress because he was done with the humiliation that was given to him. He had a white suite on and a red rose in his small pocket. Everyone congratulated the couple while M/n got to act like a parent he always dreamed of towards Neptr and BMO. He was a lucky man to have a loyal knight with him. M/n got to declare his husband as his own personal knight when needed and still got to go to adventures with him. Everyone was enjoying themselves because they got to see the prince happy and be now pronounce as King and King(?) the first pairs to official make it. M/n wouldn't ask for more because he was happy to be a man with a power of healing and a family to call his own. He enjoyed bragging to the princesses though and Princess Bubblegum was also in it because m/n was literally young looking but old in reality if you think about it, PB would be a daughter like figure to M/n and so he would brag  while PB brag because a daughter like person to the great old guy who is young looking and doesn't grow gray hair and wrinkles. He is stuck in time.

M/n started from being a lost prince to a found king, he never wants to lose what he just gained.

On the other side there was a block of ice deep down underground where the candy kingdom was and in the ground there was a block of ice. A figure to be undetermined. A drip of water fell and soon the eyes of the figure opened showing Red glowing eyes and green eyes next to it, a laugh could be heard the laugh of the man the Lich himself was laughed as the ice melted and the figure was free along with the Lich next to him.

The rest will leave to your imagination

The end

▻The Lost Prince (Adventure Time X Male Reader) [mostly Finn x Reader]◅Where stories live. Discover now