Chapter 9: same but different

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Emerald and Noir packed their bags waiting out of the pound for Finn to come out. Finn was still looking at the frozen people and the candy people he noticed something odd but he continued his way up the pond and got out netting both Emerald and Noir
"Do you know where he can be at?"
Emerald asked excitedly.
"Not really, I saw him go the opposite of where I was walking" Finn replied.
"Then let's conitn-" Noir was Then suddenly cut off by a scream.
A girly scream was heard but Finn knew that scream, he saved her every time she was in danger and his old crush.
"The princess!" Finn called out with a shock expression and ran quickly to the voice he then heard another voice following the screams of the princess.
"Don't worry PB! Just a bit mo- nevermind you are getting way further then I imagined hoo! Never though I would get this tired" a Rough like voice was heard for it was indeed Jake.
"Jake..." Finn mumbled and kept running as both Emerald and Noir ran after him.
After seeing the scene unfold he saw Jale trying to save princess bubblegum, so Finn went after both Jake and PB trying to help out too
"Finn?! The glob are you doing here?!" Jake asked as he saw his brother running fast and still painting from running and stretching his way to follow the princess.
"I heard your screams an-" Finn was cut off by Jake
"None of that! Err where is m/n.. importantly who are they?!" Jake asked looking back at Emerald and Noir.
"I'll explain later!"
"Hmph you better"
Both Jake and Finn ran for dear life to catch up but the Shadow was smarter then them.
The shadow created a portal jumping as both Finn and Jake also jumped in. Sadly Emerald and Noir couldn't make it
"Oh no" Emerald said worried.
"On minute off.." Noir grumbled in frustration.
"What should we do Noir?"
"The simple thing in the world... walk our darn bums to wherever they got transported"
"Walk?... man I thought we could take our easy way there"
"Yeah well it could make you lose some weight"
"Weight?! I am certain I am the most beautiful elf out there"
"The most beautiful when not eating everything"
"At lest m/n thinks I'm beautiful"
"It's okay Emerald, keep believing you'll have a boyfriend"

As Jake and Finn landed safely in the ground they saw a world different from the land of Ooo
"Dude, where are we?" Jake question
"I don't know..." Finn replied
"But we'll soon find out" Finished Finn as he started climbing down from the hill they landed.
The world was dark and the houses were black along with a castle that seemed the color of coal. They walked their way there as they heard the scream of the princess from afar.
"Come on jake we need to save a princess" Finn said determined
"Yeah and during our way explain about those two people and M/n" Jake stated
"Well first those two people seemed to know M/n and might know how to bring his memories back and M/n... um... kind of left him?" Finn said as he closed his eyes waiting for Jake to burst.
"LOST?! MY CHILD IS LOST YOU ARE NOT A GOOD BABYSITTER FINN!!!" Jake yelled out with anger as he referred M/n as his 'child'.
"Look he was laughing at me when I fell and he started yelling I did something an-"
"Wait... yelled? And laugh??" Jake questioned.
"Yeah he was laughing when the horse threw me off and I got something in my eyes that burned"
"Weird, he wouldn't do that. M/n sweet... unless... aha!"
"Unless the Shadow has the ability to turn into people!"
"When I was in the candy kingdom! PB was telling me about being in a wedding at a young age when all of sudden peppermint butler cane asking for the princess to show him where the princess was and PB said 'oh I am, is this a joke? Did you forget about me already?' Then he turned into the shadow grabbing her quickly and there I was running after her and stretching until he kept teleporting away from me and I got the forest seeing you running with me and then we went through a portal until we got here" Jake said with full detailed scenes.
"Then that meannahh oh Glob I missed up badly!" Finn facepalm as he noticed his mistakes
"We need to save PB and then let's go and find m/n" Finn said as he ran towards the castle
"Wait for me!" Jake yelled following Finn from behind.

In the Castle there was m/n sitting in his throne as people as servants but looked lifeless kept reporting things to him. The guards came with the princess handcuffed and looking dirty and messy.
"Excellent" m/n smirked.
The shadow then stood besides m/n
"You-" the princess then gasped
"M/n wh-why are you doing this?" The princess asked
"Because I had chosen you to be my new bride, and this time no one will ruin it" M/n said smirking
"No... you aren't M/n!" PB said as she looked at m/n with anger filling her.
"You're right, I'm not. I am just another person who was supposedly be king until he came and ruined everything, you will join him for the time being. The servants will need time to finish your room" m/n smirked as he pulled Bubblegum closer and then pushed her to the shadow man who transported a mirror making PB go in
"Now let's prepare her room and her bride gown"
"ყɛʂ ɱყ Ɩơཞɖ" replied the shadow
M/n smirked and went to a room preparing himself for a dinner with his new fiancé.

As Finn and Jake made it to the castle they saw Guards in the entrence. Jake made a signal to Finn
"Speak my language please" Finn whispered
"Ugh I distract them and you go in, I will meet you later"
"Or you distract them and I make them pass out" Finn suggested
"You know what that could also work" Finn said.
They went into action and Jake went up and stretched his way grabbing the guards and keeping them quiet as Finn used his sword hitting them on top of their helmets making them pass out.
"That was easy" Jake said.
Finn nodded and ran inside the castle along with Jake. Once they made it in they ran to what they believed was the throne room.
The shadow then appeared and starting attacking as M/n was behind the shadow
"Huh?... M/n!!" Jake said with a smile
"M/n?!" Finn was shocked to see M/n.
The shadow caught them and M/n laughed as fangs were now seen.
"You stupid people, thinking I'm m/n?" M/n who was now the dark one said while chuckling.
"Trying to save m/n? You two are adorable but let me tell you right now, easily betrayed and easily angered. None of you can keep up with the truth. Now state why you are here!" The dark one yelled
"Where is the princess!" Jake asked
"My bride? Somewhere " m/n smirked
"Well That didn't help" Jake said
Finn looked around and saw a mirror or a necklace around the Shadow and saw a pink dot.
Finn looked closer and saw a small princess Bubblegum
"M/n you like mirrors right?"
Finn asked
"Mirrors, What are you going on ab- no" The dark ones eyes widened and saw the same mirror the shadow had and quickly ran to it while Finn threw an ice rock that he found in the pound and directed right to the necklace and it hit it.
Nothing happened until a crack was heard
A light started glowing and the shadow was also cracking too as the white light was seen between the cracks. Everything suddenly became white.

1) did you figure out the hint yet?
2) do you think you might know the real threat?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 8

▻The Lost Prince (Adventure Time X Male Reader) [mostly Finn x Reader]◅Where stories live. Discover now