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First day nerves must have been getting the best of me, because I swear these people were bug eyeing me. I walked into the office I knew the drill. This lady was very perky, her school ID read Mrs.Campbell, it was very fitting name when I see her that's the type of name I can picture. She was a little bit on the bigger side of the scale, and she had short stacked brown hair with blondish highlights. She used the word sweetie a lot though. "Here you go sweetie I need you to fill these out!" That was the most positive way I think you could say that sentence, "Are you nervous at all? It's your first day they can definitely be challenging, sweetie!" She had no idea, I just nodded my head slowly, trying to understand how she could be so happy in this fucked up world.

The bell rang

I grabbed my schedule from Mrs.Campbell and gave her a genuine smile, I hope it didn't look strange it has been a while since I've done that.

It was a small school, only 90 people in the graduating class, but the layout of this school had to be the most confusing building of all buildings in history of buildings. I hated this part, the part where I had to ask someone for help. Then it hit me. Literally hit me! I walked right into this girl, poor thing dropped right to the ground, "OH MY GOD! I am so sorry I don't even know where I was looking!" My face was bright red. People were staring I was so embarrassed. I don't even know how someone as petit as me had that much power to knock someone down walking, that hard. I began to panic with everyone looking, "I'm new!" I used as a stupid excuse. The girl with bright blonde short hair just started to cut up laugh, "BAHAHA YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!!" I couldn't help but to giggle at this.

"My name is Amy, Amy Smith." She stuck out her hand and gave me a firm handshake she was brushing herself off when she began to say, "And you're the new girl the whole school is talking about. I'm pretty sure you have lines of boys drooling over your every move." My cheeks went red I was so uncomfortable with that. "What's your name?" She asked extremely polite and seemed to know I wasn't a huge fan of the attention, " umm-" I stuttered, "Paige, Paige Williams." Her face lit up,"OMG what a great name, I always wanted a name that you didn't hear often, but here I am with the most basic name EVER!" She was very perky as well, I was beginning to wonder if that was the thing here. Was everyone that perky?

The answer to my question was quickly answered when some Jack ass bumped into me. You'd think he'd say 'excuse me' or 'I'm sorry' but instead I got a lovely, "HEY WATCH IT!" I felt my whole body jerk around to face the douchebag who just bumped into me and had the audacity to bitch at me for it. I gave him the most bitchiest glare I could come up with on the spot. He scoffed and kept walking not even fazed, despite my best efforts. Amy instantly grabbed my arm and turned me around, "That's James Walker, nobody ever stands up to him he's a real asshole, just keep that in mind." Amy looked concern that he was the second person I met today, but I wasn't fazed I had met way worse people in my life than that jerk.

Amy showed me to my next class which was Anatomy and Physiology, which lucky for me was one of my best classes if my life wasn't so fucked up I would love to go to college and get a medical degree, but something tells me that College isn't in my future.

Well despite my best efforts at a new school I was late to class big time. I walked in and I had a class of about twenty students, and guess who decided to spoil my favorite subject? Yes, the one and only, douchebag. We had assign seats the teacher Mr.Banks said bitterly to me, "Ah Ms.Williams, glad you could join us! You know class starts at 8 o'clock a.m. right? Class this is Ms.Paige Williams she will be attending our class from now until the end of the school year." 'Hopefully' I thought to myself. "Ms.Williams please have a seat next to Mr.Walker." Everyone in the class including Mr.Banks must've seen how hard I rolled my eyes because I heard small giggles from around the room, and Mr.Banks had a smirk across his face.

Since our last names started with W, I headed for the back of the classroom. I looked over at James who had a stoic expression on his face. I didn't want things to be weird between us since we will have to partner up for group work. According to Mr.Banks, who ever you sit next to is your partner. Lucky me, right? This class went on forever, by forever I mean till 9:50.

The bell rings

I say, "James?" In what sounds to me to be the most pathetic tone I have ever heard in my life. I sounded like a little girl who just got their feelings hurt on a playground. He turned without saying a word. "I wanted to apologize for what happened in the hallway, it was just a misunderstanding. I want us to get along in this class since we will be seeing more of each other." With a cold hard look on his face he walked out of the classroom. What the fuck is his problem? I ask myself shaking my head in frustration. I walk into the hallway raging mad, "LISTEN HERE ASSHOLE AND LISTEN CLOSELY! I haven't done a single thing to you, I've been going to this school for two hours. When I talk to you, you can give me a head nod or something letting me know you're not some dumb ass who can't pick up on the words I'm saying.  I don't care if no one says anything to you, to stand up for themselves, but I do! You hear me?" I said this in the bitchiest way anyone can. By now the whole school was all gathered in the small hallway. My hands were all sweaty crunched together making a fist. James walked up to me fast. I hate myself for this, but I did a slight flinch not knowing what to expect. James came out and said something that shocked everyone I'm pretty sure, "Listen you have no idea who I am, so I'm going to let you go with a warning, but know you have been warned and I don't take shit from anyone." His words were cold and emotionless, it sent chills down my back. James facial expression never changed. Who the fuck is this guy? Also, does he really think I won't fire again?

The bell rings

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