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I was stuck in this room, it was smaller than the last one. I took a breath then become nauseous, it had a horrible smell. I wanted to gag at the fumes going up my nose, "Hello is anyone there?" I cried out. My heart started to race, no not again please not again. I tried to move, but I was chained to the wall. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS??? I know it's my fault I admit it, but please let me go. You are going to regret this! They will find me!" I see him lurking in the dark room. I heard a laugh that came from a psycho. I gasped he has a knife, 'oh God no, please No!'

He slowly approached me.. cocking his head side to side as he got closer, he had a creepy smirk on his face. I felt a hard hit to my cheek. I jolted awake. I gasped loud the whole class looked at me. "Shit my bad!" Everyone laughed Mr. banks was not amused. He frowned at my choice of words, then asked to see me in the hall.

"Oooooooh.." the class mocked, "seriously how old are we?" I snapped at them. They shut up I could feels James and Gabe smiling behind me.

Mr. Banks cracked the door behind him, I wasn't sure if the class could still hear, "You know I do not tolerate sleeping in my class, but you also sleep almost always in my class and manage to get an A so I let it slide..but when it comes to fowl language I'm drawing a line." I nodded my head pretending to be engaged in the conversation, while I'm really looking down the hall at the sunlight beaming through the door. I though about making a run for it when I then pick up on, "What is your home life like?" He seemed concerned, I was quick to respond, "Look Mr. Banks I really do just have trouble sleeping at night, so I'm sorry I'll try not to make a habit of it." He looked at me with a disapproving look, "You can sleep I don't care, but absolutely no cussing in my class. As long as you Manage to keep your A however you are doing it, then you are fine to not pay attention. You and one other student have A's in my class. So it doesn't bother me how you manage to get an A just keep doing what you're doing, even if that is sleep." He opened the door as to end the conversation. 

I was smiling when I walked into the room, I sat down with a subtle wheeze from the pain, "All good?" James asked curiously, I've got to say, James acting like a nice human being was something I could get used to, but I only wanted to be Friends with him. Nothing more. I nod and stay awake through the whole class period I could feel both James and Gabe looking at me the whole time. I looked straight ahead and ignored both of them, my cheeks feeling hot.

It has been about 2 weeks since my incident with the yotes. They got their nickname from that stupid sound they make when they arrive or exit, they sound like coyotes. My favorite sound comes from when they leave.

I was all healed up, my stomach was a little black and blue with some yellow, but it stopped hurting. Josh still wouldn't look at me, he thinks I'm some irresponsible teenager. When in reality I wish that was me, and a part of me wishes he knew that I was lying. I just want an older brother who intimidates boys I go on dates with, and sticks up for me, instead I have a brother who takes on every single one of my problems with guilt.

It's Friday hallelujah! Halloween weekend. Some club downtown was having a Halloween costume party for everyone. Ethan got us all fake I.d. And I couldn't be more excited. I just want to go out and do something teenager-ish for once! I had a flash back of my old life, I was laughing and dancing with my friends at a party, I want that. I felt my eyes start to water.

"Paige you with us?" Amy looked at me smiling, I had zoned out. "Yeah! What are you guys wearing tonight??" I asked actually interested. Mel looks at Amy and speaks up excitedly,

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