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We walked two doors down to Gabes house. When we got to his front yard there was a group of guys getting out of their truck. I didn't recognize them, but they were huge. Amy and Mel both hooked onto my arms on each side. Whispering into my ears, "Ignore them at all cost bad news. They probably won't be here long." I knew they were trouble my gut was almost never wrong.

We walked into Gabes house the living room was the first thing you see with a keg where a coffee table would usually go. The place looked great for a party. It was so loud in the living room though I wasn't used to it anymore, but it made me smile. Mel saw Ben and went up to talk to him, Amy being the social butterfly she is started talking to the first people we saw once we walked into the door. I saw people walking downstairs, so I decided I'd go and find a drink down there.

I'm not much of a beer person, preferably shots or mixes. There was a bar downstairs and when I saw who was bar tending I giggled, it was Ethan. I walked up to the bar, "what can I get you little lady, nothing too strong of course!" I decided to joke with him, " I'll take a screaming orgasm, please!" His face went white, I managed to keep a straight face for a moment then I broke out laughing his face relaxed and he laughed as well, harder than me. He was catching his breath before he said, "shots?" I nodded. We did 5 lemon drop shots laughing and talking about the party and everyone here for about 2 hours, it was nice to talk to someone like that, a couple people walked up and we would do more shots. When Gabe walked up. "So what are you more of a bar girl don't like to dance?" He got me I laughed with him, "I despise dancing!" He laughed, "No worries me too." I looked confused, I mean he was the one who through the party.. "I like bringing everyone together to have a good time I'll have a party at least Twice a month. It's nice to see everyone relaxed instead of feeling crazy in school, and not being able to have a civil conversation." It made sense. I nodded I was a little drunk, but we did two more rounds of shots. I could usually hold alcohol fairly well, but it had been a while. "I'm gonna go try and find Mel." He looked at me concerned, he's been watching me at all times since my little episode, "I'm okay Gabe thank you." He did a side smile for knowing what he was thinking. Ethan smiled and waived by to me, "hopefully we will see you before you bail." He was so nice I wish he was in my classes and not James.

I was walking with a beer in my hand, I bumped into someone spilling it on me. He turned around it was James. "SHIT, I'm sorry I wasn't looking, and-" I was cut off, "No worries it happens." That was very civil of him his face looked sincere. I looked strangely at him my nose scrunch with a sort of smile on my face. "Let me grab you another." He did and then he was gone. I shook my head with a slight smile, that was really nice of him.

I saw one of the huge guys as I was looking for Amy, we made eye contact I kept walking trying not to look inferior towards him. I saw him through the corner of my eye walking up to me with 5 of his buds, when he walks they walk. He sounded like a creep, I could definitely tell he was a senior, or maybe had already graduated his voice sounded like he smoked. Everyone here looked older than what they were. "Hey there," he winked, "Me and my buds were getting ready to bail you want to go?" I looked at him like he had two heads, "no?" I sounded like a bitch as if he was a peasant. "I think you do, let's go we are leaving." He grabbed my arm, my eyes went wide. Next thing I knew I punched him as hard as I could in the face. He dragged me by the arm, I tried not to draw attention. He was squeezing so tight I thought he was going to break my bone. We were in a hallway with two girls he said, "GO!" Loudly to them they scattered. That's really disappointing, cause I believe they go to my school. "So you think you're above me huh?" Now I'm going to ask you again, "We're leaving you wanna go?" I shook my head no and kicked him as hard as I possibly could in the balls. He bent over, I ran down the hall his buddy grabbed me and ripped me back mid air. I really did not want to draw attention I didn't yell. I didn't want to be that pitiful girl who couldn't hold her own. The biggest guy said let her go, he was smiling a creepy smile. The two holding me by the arms were hesitant, but they let go, I shoved them and broke free of their grip. I booked it into the bathroom, I got cleaned up and saw in the mirror my arm already had a bruise on it, and my red dress was a tank top looking dress so you could see it. Time for me to go I guess.

As I walked out everyone was yelling, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" It was those boys against: James, Gabe, Ethan, and Ben. Amy and Mel were right behind them they looked terrified! I ran up it was 5 against four I wanted to make it even. Two boys doubled up on Ben since he was shorter. I ran up and charged the bigger guy if I can get him off balanced and kick him in the knees like my training he should drop then I can just kick. My arms were tiny they weren't very good at punching. As soon as I made contact everyone gasped, he fell back a little and I drove my foot right to his knee, it hurt like a bitch. I then repeatedly kick his side until I felt my whole body in the air. I was being carried outside.

It was James, the fight was over. We had won it, but James was livid. The other boys started to walk outside they were hyped, then James screamed, "GO NOW!" The took off back into the house. He sat me down on my butt yelling, I mean furiously yelling, this went on for probably 30 minutes in Gabes backyard. I started to shake from the adrenaline, "YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN SERIOUSLY HURT! DO YOU KNOW WHO THOSE GUYS ARE? NO YOU DON'T! THEY DON'T CARE WHO THEY FUCKING HURT! You are literally so irr-" I cut him off I had enough of him yelling at me for helping, "Nows the time for that apology." His face went blank, so confused, "I think I proved I'm not trying to screw anyone over. I evened the numbers. It was four against 5 and they were huge. So you can thank me for that too." I was about to cry, not because of James, but because I was so tuned up from adrenaline, and I knew they would be back for me. I started to get up I winced, my ankle hurt so bad. "DID YOU GET HIT?!?!?!" I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "I'm fine please quit acting like you care, you wish one of those guys took me out. Make your life easier. You've hated me since the day I got here. Which was five days ago, and in five days I've done nothing but help. I've accepted it, so keep being real and stop acting like you really care." He was speechless.

I started to walk home I couldn't walk in a straight line, sadly I had a few to many. I could feel James eyeing me. I turned the corner, I had about a 30 minute normal walk back, so probably 45 minute walk with alcohol in my system, and I really had to pee too. I was walking passed the grocery store when I noticed the truck from the beginning of the party with those horrid boys in it. Shit. They haven't noticed me, I pray to God they don't. I walk as fast as I can, then I hear, "THERE SHE IS!" I take off running as fast as I can, I'm not even close to home yet. I left that party fiver minutes ago. What do I do? I have no type of weapon on me, there is no one out it's 2 am. His truck pulls up along side of me, I stop running it's no use I can try and handle this, I don't care what happens anymore. Two boys we're in the truck bed of the pick up, that weren't at the party, they jump out and start walking towards me. I closed my eyes kick one boy in the nuts and punched the other in the throat. While he was gasping for air I took off again, I wanted to stay on the street in case anyone was driving by. A huge brown hair boy and a blonde boy grab me by both arms I winced it was the same place they grabbed earlier. He noticed and squeezed harder. I was grinding my teeth together. The pain eased, I was becoming numb. It was the guy I had kicked in the knees at the party. I really couldn't blame him, I really embarrassed him back there.

The big guy walked up to me the one they practically followed, "Look around no one can protect you now bitch! They think they won they are still celebrating at the house like we anticipated." With that came a back hand to my cheek, hard. The guys behind him laughed. He punch me in the stomach. I was about to puke they kept holding me straight up, I needed to hunch over. I couldn't catch my breath. I spit on him right in the face. He turned red, like the devils red, "You bitch, this will hurt you and your friends more than it will hurt me." He took one more hit across my face, then started to move me towards the truck. I wasn't going to cry, maybe because I couldn't breathe, but I would not cry in front of them. 'You're strong Paige, you got this, hang in there.' He whispered in my ear, "This is what a stupid slut like yourself gets. I've got to teach you a lesson, new girl, to watch who you are a bitch to." I felt a blow to the back of my head, I heard another truck roll up, then a lot of yelling, grunting, and movement. I saw James punching the guy who had just hit me three times, as he dropped to the ground, I realized I was okay I let myself go, and fall into a coma.

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