Chpater 3: CJ

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After explaining the plan to Jason, I went into Sarah's room, and sat down on her messy bed. When I said messy, I mean like papers scattered on the bed, the covers looked like she was wrestling with someone and lost, and her pillows were on opposite ends of the bed. Man and I thought I was messy.

I pushed away some of her papers way, set them on her pillow and sat down. The bathroom door opened and Sarah came out with a white towl wrapped around her head, a bobby pin in her hand, and I yellow highlighter in her other hand. Yep, she was a major wreck alright.

"Hey, CJ." She said as she unwrapped the towl. As she unwrapped the towl, her damp brown hair curly hair fell down to her sholder. She gave me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry about that, my bed is a bit messy." Sarah quickly started grabbing all of her papers and set them down on the night stand. A bit? Try a bed filled with crumpled up pieces of paper, with your binder on the floor.

"What were you, grandma, and Aunt Jennifer were fighting about?" I asked.

"Um..." I can tell she started to hesitate. Seriously, look at the body language. She didn't look me in the eyes and she kept picking at her charm bracelet.

"Adult stuff." She said as she grabbed the blow dryer and marched into the restroom again.

"Why, won't this work?" Sarah muttered.

"Its unplugged." I said. "I'll plug it up for you, on one condition." Sarah sighed in defeat.

"Are sure you want to know, the truth?" Aunt Sarah asked.

"Yeah, I really want to know."

Before Sarah can open her mouth, a loud crash came from the living room and Sarah's bedroom door swang opend. Standing front of the door way was a very panicked Aunt Jennifer.

"They're here."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Find Jason and hide." She said. "I'll be there in a minute." With the wave of her hand, I was magically sent back to my room where Jason still sat on my bed with a panicked look on his face.

"Hide." I said.

"Hide, why?" Jason asked.

"Aunt Sarah said to hide." With that, I closed my room door locked, turned off the lights, grabbed Jason and pushed him into the closet, closing the door.

The crashing, turned into banging, the banging turned into screams and the screams turned into glasses shattering.

"Search, upstairs!" A manly voice said.

That's when the same thing happened in third period happened again.

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