Part 1

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Alright so yeah I finally made up my mind and went with Ruby in those one. So a lot for this male reader insert will be based off of ninjas from Naruto. I know not many people are fans of the manga/anime but I really wanted to go with this. So if you don't like the idea for the male reader then I apologize but This is the way I want to handle to this one. I will do my best to make you more ninja like. 

There won't be much of a crossover since I'm only making the male reader the only ninja with these kinda of abilities. You'll pretty much be an Uchiha (mainly for the Sharingan) and the last known ninja in Remnant. Your outfit will pretty much be Shisui Uchiha's outfit, minus the Uchiha emblem in the back as well as his sword and you'll have black pants instead.. Also don't forget the large bundle of ninja tools and weapons such as shurikens and kunai. Lastly your headband is the ninja alliance headband mainly because there won't be any specific village.

Anyways to those that have stuck around let's get this thing started.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. All RWBY content and characters belong to Rooster Teeth.

(Y/N): *sigh* Why couldn't Ozpin let me walk to Beacon...

You stood there watching the view from the ship as you made your arrival to beacon. It wasn't the most comfortable of rides but at least you weren't feeling sick like a certain blonde not too far from you.  

Growing annoyed by the many complaints of your fellow students,  you decided to approach the sick blonde before anymore barfing can be done. The blonde male was confused as to why you were in front of him until you reached into a pouch tied to your leg and held out a small pill.

(Y/N): Here, this should last for the rest of the ride.

The blonde took the pill and swallowed it in an instant in hopes it would cure him. As a matter in fact,  he felt the effects right away and he was feeling good as new.

Blonde: Hey thanks!

You were nowhere to be found when he finally recovered from his motion sickness.

Back With You

???: So you did accept the offer.

You sighed knowing the response to the comment you recieved.

(Y/N): Not like I had any choice. It was either this to keep doing these missions or I go back to roaming around Renmant.

You turned your head slightly to meet with a black haired girl with a bow.

???: Well, even if it was your job back then. Thank you for helping me escape back on the train.

(Y/N): Don't mention it.

???: I'll see you later, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Likewise, Blake.

You stood there once again, taking in the view of Vale. It was a nice view of the city, but you simply wanted the airship to land at a much faster rate. You decided to close your eyes for a minutes but that was until you felt two figures approaching.

???: Hey, good lookin!

???: Yang! That's not why we're here!

???: What? Just speaking the truth here.

You lazily opened your eyes and found two teenage girls in front of you. The one with blonde hair was eyeing you with a smirk while the one in the red cloak was trying to avoid eye contact. You chuckled in your thougts when the red cloaked girl reminded you of your younger self.

(Y/N): May I help the both of you?

The blonde girl simply nudged the red cloaked girl forward, almost as if she was urging for her to socialize with others.

Red Cloaked Girl: Umm, hi I couldn't help but notice your headband and it reminded of a story my dad used to tell me soiwaswonderingifyouareaninja!

Blonde Girl: Slow down, it's not like he can keep up with how fast you talk.

You let out a small chuckle earning a look from the red cloaked girl. She definitely reminded you of your younger days. Always avoiding people, even when you talked to someone you spoke nervously and sometimes even stuttered.

(Y/N): As a matter of fact I am.

The red cloaked girl had stars in her eyes when she heard your response.

Red cloaked girl: Really?! Can I see your weapons! I've always wanted to see a shuriken up close!

Blonde girl: You'll have to excuse my sister, she's a bit of weapon freak.

(Y/N): The both of you are an odd pair.

The airship began it's descent, signaling that it is starting the landing process.

Red cloaked: So can I see your shurikens.

(Y/N): Maybe some other time.

With that you walked off so you can exit the ship as soon as possible..

Red cloaked girl: Oh by the way my name is Ruby!

Blonde girl: Pretty sure he couldn't hear you.

Ruby sighed as she knew that her sister was correct.

Ruby: You're right, Yang. I really wanted to see his ninja weapons.

Yang: Oh, they're probably nothing special. Come on, the airship is about to land.


Sorry if that was a little shorter than usual. The rest of the chapters will be longer than this so please keep your hopes up!

Until next time!

Ruby Rose x Male Reader:  A Rose for a NinjaWhere stories live. Discover now